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  • 63 subscribers

Hi, just found out I will be having my hysterectomy in the Royal Hallamshire. Can anyone tell me if they allow you to use and charge your mobile phone while on the ward. Have looked on their website and it says no mobiles allowed on wards. If this is the case then how do you personally contact family members and how can they contact you?

Thanks Sue.

  • Hi  

    I had 2 gynae surgeries at the Hallamshire and I had my mobile phone and iPad for both. Everyone did, and was able to charge them-I recommend a long charger as the sockets will likely be behind your bed. I would honestly be astonished if mobiles are not allowed on the wards, and I’ve had several stays in other hospitals in the county where there was no problem with mobiles either. 

    If you want to make certain you could phone your CNS or the gynae wards-I was in ward 2. Good luck with your surgery-I found the staff looking after me to be absolutely lovely.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I just looked up the Royal Hallamshire and all it said was “It is our hospital policy for mobile phones to be switched to silent when entering a hospital ward or department. This is to respect the hospital environment for patients and staff. If you need to receive or make a call, please do so away from the ward or clinical area.” That’s pretty standard for hospitals so I wouldn’t worry if it were you! Just bring a long charging lead like Sarah suggested! It was the first thing I asked the nurse to do for me when I got onto my ward so that I could get on my iPad! The socket was behind my bed and I couldn’t reach it.

  • As you say, Amanda, I think it’s a standard hospital policy about use phones in terms of actual calls, although I have done both of these things when not able to leave my bed. But I’ve been as quiet as I could! Likewise as soon as my nurse came round I was asking her to help plug my iPad in behind me! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah. Good tip about the long charging cable. 

  • MarmiteFan59

    Thanks for the info. I have now ordered a long charger. Wonder if the info on the Royal Hallamshire site is for visitors. 

  • The info I posted above was from the Royal Hallamshire website. I wouldn’t worry about it I were you.

  • Hi - I had hysterectomy there on 11 July. I took my phone and I have a power bank which lasted me from the Thursday until I was discharged and I also still had power days after I was discharged ( which was 13 July. This meant I could easily plug the power bank into my phone and not have to ask anyone to plug anything in. 
    All the best, the staff are great. If your surgeon is Miss MacDonald or her colleague Miss Kew you are in excellent hands. 

  • Hi Mandrix4

    Sounds like your experience was positive. Hope you are doing ok. 
    I see the oncologist at Sheffield on Monday. Hoping my hysterectomy is not too long after. 

  • Three weeks on - my friend is acting as nurse and giving me blood thinning injections each day - roll on 8/8 for the last one. 

    Feeling pretty good thank you, wounds are healing well. Just need to slowly build strength and stamina. Next will be radiotherapy which will commence in September ( precautionary ).

    I think there was about 4 weeks from my appointment with surgeon until the op.  
    Just under 2 weeks after seeing surgeon I went for pre-op ( at the Mullberry Clinic in the city centre - not far from Crucible). The op 2 weeks after that. 2 nights in hospital, 

    The worst part was the waiting. I remember going to get the cannula inserted in my hand and then nothing until I woke up in recovery. I don’t even remember them giving me anaesthetic. All the staff were brilliant. All the best and let me know how you get on. 

    M xx

  • So glad you’re doing well. 
    Will post when had the op.
