Waiting for op date

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Despite being on the pill to stop my period, I was experiencing spotting. This was going on for over a year and I took a break from the pill but that didn't help. I went to the drs and he sent me for a blood test to see if I was in the menopause. The day I had the blood test, I began my period from hell, really heavy from the 6th December till the middle of Feb. I had a few blood tests as my platelets weren't right and 2 internal ultra sound scans, anyway to cut the story short, I had a polyp removed which turned out to be cancerous. I feel extremely lucky, as they have caught it at the earliest stage possible. I am now waiting for the hysterectomy. I am very anxious about the stay in hospital and my axiety is exasperated by not having a date for the op and being unable to plan anything and not knowing if I need to cancel plans already in place. What or how did other's deal cope with the waiting? I'm not anxious about the op, I know I'm in capable hands.

  • I am not concerned about the hysterectomy or the surgery. There are risks with any surgery, is what I meant.

  • Ah ok, you said before you were worried about the stay in hospital so I thought you might mean the op. 

  • Thank you MarmiteFan59. I have a real phobia of staying in hospitals. The day after I had my daughter, I told the nurse I was going home. I know I'm over 18 and I can sign myself out but it stems from my childhood experiences that were not good.  I was out same day when I had my son lol.

  • Waiting for anything is simply horrible. I seem to be waiting for so much nowadays! So sending a hug your way and hoping the wait for a plan isn't too long.

    Here is a thread that might possibly help that MarmiteFan59 started although there is still that annoying planning issue, which I myself am struggling with right now especially on the work front. It's not a hysterectomy I'm waiting for currently but there are things that are stopping me saying yes to things because I can't commit while I'm on two cancer fast tracks when you are expected to take any appointment offered and as a result I'm missing out on opportunities.


  • Hi again Brightside, I hate hospitals too and can relate. It depends on what your surgeon decides, or finds is feasible, but if you’re down for laparoscopic or robotic, the aim will be for you to go home the following day or some places even aim for same day. For me, I was in Southampton hospital for 7.30am, walked down to theatre for my laparoscopic op about 11.30am and was back in recovery and awake by about 3.30pm. I was discharged about midday the next day when my blood test came back. (If it’s open surgery you’re in a bit longer.)

  • Hi MarmiteFan59, I will be having mine in Southampton. I've always had treatments in Winchester, so it's also the unknown. What is Southampton like?

  • Hi again! I’m in New Milton, almost on the Dorset border, so we typically get the choice of Bournemouth or Southampton. My GP referred me to Southampton as she said she thought at the time they were slightly quicker and also that if I did need any adjuvant radio it would be done there, where Bournemouth patients have to go to Poole for radio.

    I think Southampton are super. I had my ultrasound and hysteroscopy there. My consultant was initially Ken Metcalf - he did my GA hysteroscopy, but I was then transferred to the books of David Constable-Phelps who’d recently joined the staff from a leading London hospital, and he did my surgery. 

    On op day I had to report to the day surgery unit at 7.30am which is ground floor at the Princess Anne Hospital, so I got a taxi. They tend to do the hysterectomies there in their theatre and use their recovery ward, where you get one to one care post op. The morning flew by and the free Wifi was handy. After recovery my bed was wheels upstairs about 4pm by a hunky porter to the gynae ward. I was initially put in a 4 bed ward but I found it noisy so when David CP came to see me about 5.30 to admire his handiwork (very neat) and to see how I was, he could see I was stressed and said he’d sort something, Within 10 mins I’d been moved to an empty 4 bed ward which was heavenly. I had a washbasin by my bed and the loo was opposite the ward. Nurses station was just up the corridor. I was checked initially every 2 hours and after midnight it went to every 4 hours. I was desperate to have my catheter out so I could get moving (as that to me was what I needed to do to quicken gettimg home) and kept asking when! At my 4am check the nurse said to me I could either have it removed at 6 or at 8.30 so I opted for 6am. At 6am it was out, I was up and about and didn’t go back to bed at all - I was either walking up and down the corridor or sitting in the armchair by the window watching the sun rise. The aftercare was great, I was told to phone the ward or my CNS with any issues. There’s some lovely CNS at Southampton so if you don’t already have their contact details, I suggest you ask - or I could give you their phone number and email.