Waiting for op date

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  • 63 subscribers

Despite being on the pill to stop my period, I was experiencing spotting. This was going on for over a year and I took a break from the pill but that didn't help. I went to the drs and he sent me for a blood test to see if I was in the menopause. The day I had the blood test, I began my period from hell, really heavy from the 6th December till the middle of Feb. I had a few blood tests as my platelets weren't right and 2 internal ultra sound scans, anyway to cut the story short, I had a polyp removed which turned out to be cancerous. I feel extremely lucky, as they have caught it at the earliest stage possible. I am now waiting for the hysterectomy. I am very anxious about the stay in hospital and my axiety is exasperated by not having a date for the op and being unable to plan anything and not knowing if I need to cancel plans already in place. What or how did other's deal cope with the waiting? I'm not anxious about the op, I know I'm in capable hands.

  • Hi Brightside101, welcome to the group and to this roller coaster ride that we all know only too well. Well done for getting this far in dealing with things. Have you already had your staging MRI or CT? That’s usually the next stage, then a pre op assessment. For me, it was just under two months from diagnosis (November 2021) to hysterectomy (January 2022). I had my hysterectomy laparoscopically and was just in hospital overnight. I found out my op date three weeks beforehand. Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind. How I coped with the waiting was trying to carry on my usual routine, telling a few people as possible, distracting myself with word games, music, walking and my animals, talking to my CNS on the phone and also to the Macmillan helpline.

  • Hiya I have been diagnosed with Aytipical hyperplasia and I’m waiting for a date too. At my consultation on Monday they said within a month. My pre op is on the 19th July. Hope you receive a date soon x

  • It's really good that you have a date, it helps with planning. I will be training my cover at work from Monday, they've been great. I hope your pre op goes well and the op. Are you already going through the menopause? Something else to look forward to but I won't miss the bleeding, wearing pads since December and it's taking its toll now we are having the warmer weather xx

  • I haven’t got a date for my op yet. I work in a school so it looks like it might be in the summer holidays. I don’t know if I am on the menopause yet to be honest. I was having very heavy periods loosing big clots wearing 3-4 pads at a time so at my last biopsy I had the coil fitted and that helped until now. Thanks 

  • They fitted a coil when they removed the polyp but it hasn't done much. I've had heavy periods since I was sterilised almost 20 years ago, hence taking desogenel to stop my periods. I will be 50 this year, so at the right age for the menopause. I am very happy to have a hysterectomy. I hope the school you work at are being supportive xx

  • Yes they are thankfully I’m 55 next week and still

    not sure if I’m going through the menopause also it’s confusing because on my after visit summery it says that what was addressed was complex hyperplasia without aytpia but the reason for my op is because I have atopic hyperplasia. I’ve rang every day to find out why it says two different diagnoses but I can’t get any answers and I don’t want to go through with the hysterectomy if I don’t need to. X

  • Aytipical 

  • I was told precancer at my diagnosis appointment but the letter afterwards stated cancer. The consultant said I may have Chemo after the surgery and yet the nurse said Radiotherapy. It's all very confusing when being told different things by different people. I've heard good things from women who have had a hysterectomy but I know there are risks. Could they not do a, I think it used to be called a DNC? Maybe they don't do those anymore

  • Im

    not sure about that. I will just ring them again tomorrow. Thank you x

  • Hi again Brightside, hysterectomies are generally much more straightforward ops nowadays - what specifically are you concerned about?