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Well Im  post op 18 days , definitely healing well , still uncomfortable but mobility improves daily , I’m feeling really tired and night times are the hardest can’t get comfortable and wake up several times a night , I’m usually very independent, and find asking and needing help difficult , Then out of the blue I start crying and feel so low I’ve decided to see my Gp I’ve suffer with depression before and think I should nip it in the bud , This Cancer thing is all consuming . 

  • I can only agree with you. It is hard to have to ask for help when you are usually independent. Being unable to sleep in your usual position definitely takes its toll.

    I have just ordered a sit up cushion with wee armrests that was recommended by someone who'd had the same problem. 

    I'm only a week after surgery and doing OK, I think. Just waiting for pathology results and follow up treatment is difficult.

    I'm just sleeping where and when I can.

    I hope you get some reassurance from your GP and feel more positive soon.

  • Hi NorthernLass, well done for reaching out to the group. Regarding feeling uncomfortable at night and how you’ve been feeling, you might find it helpful to chat to your CNS as they might be able to offer some support and advice. I was fortunate in that I had a prebooked appointment to get my histology results 13 days post op, so that helped as I didn’t feel left in limbo, and it also gave me something to focus on. Hopefully you will hear soon and I hope you have a better day today. 

  • Hi My Hubby got me one of those they are brilliant, Glad your doing ok it’s tough, I agree the waiting is difficult, seen my Gp got some happy pills so I’m sure I’m on the right track 

    Sending hugs x

  • Hi NorthernLass

    Im 4 plus weeks post surgery now but still having days when I feel quite “low” and can find myself in tears.  It’s not always obvious why but I just try to tell myself that I’ve been through a hell of a lot and it’s no wonder I fell sad.  I’m also my own having lost my husband 16 months ago so not a lot to take my mind off things at times.  I’m also very independent and find it hard to ask for help.  I was worried that I would do too much but hopefully I’ve not overdone it.  I’m pretty much doing everything I did before now and the tiredness is still there a little but gets better every day.  Hang in there.

  • Hi you definitely seem to be on the right track to recovery, I’m so sorry to hear of you loss , it must be so difficult to cope with this diagnosis while you are still grieving , my Gp has been very supportive, also my friends and family, I hope you have some friends and family to offer support when you need it , Did you have key hole surgery? 
    thank you for your response, you hang in there too I’m sure we will get there xx

  • I had the robot assisted laparoscopic surgery.  The 5 incisions are tiny and almost fully healed now.  Very pleased about that.  I had envisaged some sort of swollen stomach but it was never like that.  I feel so grateful that it’s over now. For 10 months I was so scared.  It felt like a death sentence when they told me but thankfully with this type of cancer it’s very treatable.  I have my 3 kids, one of whom lives near but as I said, I’m quite an independent person.  My work keeps me going.  I work for myself from home. I hope you continue to do well too. xx

  • Hi they tried to do do robotic and couldn’t complete the operation without doing open surgery so I’ve got two lots of incisions, but they are healing up nicely, it’s nice to know you have family, but I’m the same as you independent I’m also self employed , ooo I’d love to work from home , my GP said she thinks the out look is good I’m feeling much more positive tonight xx