Treatment finished

  • 9 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Hi everyone

I rang the bell three times today, to mark the completion of my treatment.  It was a good feeling to ring the bell, and now I feel that everything I went through is starting to sink in, the surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, what a journey!  This time last year I would not have believed anyone if they had told me I was going to be diagnosed with cancer, I always thought it would be someone else, but unfortunately you never know!

I wanted to say thank you to all the ladies on the womb forum, for reading and answering my questions, especially to Jane2511, who has been so helpful every time I have posted something.

I know my journey hasn’t ended, but I feel I am through the worst of it (fingers crossed), and know I will be having check ups and scans in the future.  I also will keep checking in on this forum, and helping out if I can, also posting.

Thank you to everyone again and I wish you all the very best of luck and best wishes and fingers crossed for everyone to make a full recovery on their journey.  Don’t give up and keep on going, we will beat this terrible disease xxx

  • I bet you feel so relieved, good luck with your recovery xx

  • Good luck to you and glad you have finished your treatment x

  • Hi  

    Well done on finishing your treatment. Wishing you all the best for the future.

    A x

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer. 

    Macmillan Support Helpline

    0808 808 00 00 

    7 days a week between 8am -8pm

  • Congratulations- it’s a great feeling isn’t it. On Saturday I did a 10k hike for cancer research - i cried again! Have been more emotional  since I finished treatment. Felt like the end of a chapter- and also raised £500 in the process. 

  • Hi Ange

    Am so pleased that you have finished your treatment- well done- you have certainly been through the mill. Plenty of rest and recuperation and time to do some things just for you, without hospital appointments overhanging it all. If your experience of checks are similar to mine, then they will be positive chances to check in and see how you are recovering and also reassuring in that they are keeping an eye on you. In between appointments you can still call or email your CNS about any worries.

    Macmillan are still here for you, if you need us and do keep checking in on here as much as you like. It really helps ladies who are going through similar to hear of others experiences. 

    And do let us know how you are getting on. Wishing you all the best for your recovery



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • That’s brilliant, well done.  Yes it is a relief to finish, I’ll not know what to do with myself, as I’m in a routine of going everyday!

    Im doing the Mighty Hike in September for MacMillan, half a marathon, I’ll have to get training as haven’t done much exercise lately.  I hope I manage it!

    Good luck to you .


  • Good luck with that! Agree -need to build up fitness again but we can do it!

  • Congratulations.

    Wishing you good health in the future. X

  • Hi 

    Well done you, that’s fantastic.

    Good luck and stay well.
