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Well Im  post op 18 days , definitely healing well , still uncomfortable but mobility improves daily , I’m feeling really tired and night times are the hardest can’t get comfortable and wake up several times a night , I’m usually very independent, and find asking and needing help difficult , Then out of the blue I start crying and feel so low I’ve decided to see my Gp I’ve suffer with depression before and think I should nip it in the bud , This Cancer thing is all consuming . 

  • Hi NorthernLass1967

    Am sorry to hear you are feeling low.

    Its a good idea to see your GP as you have had depression before. You have been through a diagnosis of cancer and had major surgery. Its not surprising that you feel tired, uncomfortable and have been upset.

    Tears are probably part of the healing and coming to terms with it all. Cancer is a tough thing to process, especially while you are still recovering.

    Don't forget the Support Line is there from 8am -8pm and they are great at listening. 

    Please post on here as much as it helps, there are many lovely ladies on here who will want to offer support. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello so good to hear you are physically recovering well. I think you are doing the right thing being proactive, and yes it is all consuming. I struggled with the waiting between results the hardest. When you have had your pathology results and you know exactly what’s happening, you may start to feel a little more settled. I really hope this is the case. In the meantime as you know there is always someone on here to listen xx

  • Thank you I agree once I know what’s happening I think I will feel more settled, the waiting game is my chosen phrase, it messes with your mind , really appreciate your support x 

  • Thank you for your support and confirmation I’m doing the right thing, itx a comfort knowing there’s always someone to reach out to x

  • Hi  

    It is a positive thing to reach out and be honest about how you're feeling. It is a major operation that you have had and cancer is the word that rocks us all. We all understand these low moments and yes I've shed tears periodically too. You have suffered from depression before, and as you said a GP appt will assess you and help.

    Jane has already suggested the helpline which there for you too. 

    We are here for you. Sending you a big hug.


  • Thank you it definitely helps knowing you’re not alone? Thank you for your support sending a big hug back xx

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that you are struggling. We all know that feeling, it's hard to get through but you will get through it. I was Mrs independent and now I'm not, to a degree. Think about asking for help, it's a learning curve though, you will get to know when you need to stop.

    It's good that you know that you need to see your GP re feeling low.  If you're up to it, try to get out for short walks, it really helps me.

    Best wishes for your recovery and results

    A x

    What is a Community Champion?

    I am a Macmillan volunteer. 

    Macmillan Support Helpline

    0808 808 00 00 

    7 days a week between 8am -8pm

  • It’s such a shock to the system,not been able to do the things you do automatically , I have been going out for short walks and out for coffee and it really does help , today I’ve just not felt up to it and that’s probably why I feel more down , definitely seeing the Gp for support , thank you for your support it’s really appreciated x