Biopsy results wait

  • 29 replies
  • 85 subscribers


I am new here, unfortunately :( 

currently being investigated for endometrial cancer following some extremely heavy abnormal bleeding and discharge and a thickened lining picked up on transvaginal scan.   

I just wanted to ask, how long does it usually take between the biopsy and results?

feel like I can’t get on with my life, it’s horrible waiting. 

  • Hi Lookingafterno1

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    The waiting is tough and I remember it well. Its hard to focus on much else.

    My biopsy results took around a week to come back and I was phoned by a nurse (as arranged previously) I did have the option of going in for an appointment but preferred to have them via phone call.

    I hope you do not have to wait too long. In the meantime we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • When I had My biopsy I was told 6 weeks but in reality it was only 3 weeks before I was told ai had cancer. If it comes back you do you will be overwhelmed at first as there is so much to take in. I found everyone extremely helpful and had time to answer all the questions I had. I think once you know and have a plan you will cope far better than you anticipated. Also you have this forum that I find really helpful.

  • Thank you Jane, that is useful. I would want mine on the phone also, easier to process at home.

     I hope you are doing well now

  • Jane you are so good at helping everyone on here - I for one appreciate your advice. It nice speaking to someone who has been there and done ii or if you haven't redirect us to where we need to be-Thank you x

  • Hi Ronny,

    Thank you for sharing your timeframe and I am sorry about your diagnoses. Did they say they expected cancer at the time of your biopsy /hysteroscopy

    The gynae did not like the look of the thickness of my womb so I am guessing she was pretty concerned. 

  • No they thought although I had a thickened lining of the womb everything looked fine so it was quite a shock for me.

  • Oh goodness. So sorry. I hope your treatment is going well x 

  • I was told 4 to 6 weeks, about 10 days after biopsy when I was trying to find out how long to wait, and then 3 days later quick call to come in.  For me they have refused to tell me stuff over the phone, and the nurses won’t tell me the results. I had a conversation afterwards with the nurse about why couldn’t they tell me over the phone, and reasons why I would have preferred this and got nowhere! Just highlighting as I had this conversation retrospectively, so you might want to say in advance you would like results over the phone.

  • I was told it would take 3-4 weeks but actually it only took two. I wa also given the results over the phone but they had asked if I wanted this at the time of the biopsy. I'm now waiting  for the pathology results rom my hysterectomy ten days ago, and have again been told it's likely to be 3-4 weeks. 

  • Thank you. Hopefully not too long to wait now. I was not asked about the phone results which is fustrating. Wishing you all the best with your pathology results!