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Hi ladies. Well, I had my pre op yesterday and have a date for my hysterectomy which is this coming Friday 6th September. Afternoon theatre. Mixture of feelings. I can’t wait to have my womb etc out but at the same time I’m now feeling apprehensive that it’s finally going to happen. I will be having a large incisional hernia repair then the hysterectomy all in the same op. I don’t have a feeling of loss about losing my womb but I have this feeling of it and my body have let me down. It grew my two lovely boys now 44 and 36 but now it and my body have let me down. I felt this way in 2005 when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I have been told I have Lynch Syndrome and I have an appointment at the Genetic Clinic on October 2nd. Anyway I just wanted to let you know I have a date.
Onward and upward. 

Sue. X

  • Hi Gloria, please don’t worry sweetheart, you will be in safe hands. At my prep I weighed 16 stone 10lbs and had my op a week after. On the run up to op I’d been given exercises to do to get fit for it. I couldn’t manage to do them all. I have pain in my knees when walking and we live on a hill so I walked round the garden. I had to do 20 mins of exercise each day. When walking I broke it up into short walks sometimes only managing 3 mins a time because of my knees.The point was to get me breathless but still be able to speak. I started to eat healthy from the day of my diagnosis. I’ve never had to get on an exercise bike at a pre op, that’s a new one on me. At no time did anyone mention me be being overweight. Really hope your op is robotic as I believe that is an easier recovery. Wishing you all the best and please keep me updated on how it goes. 
    Sue. X

  • Where it says prep I meant pre op. Flipping predictive text. Joy

  • Hi Sue,  Thank you for your kind words , I think these things happen to us when we are not prepared and then suddenly everything changes overnight, anyway I will feel better once the operation is over, I am really lucky I have a good husband and family support I will let you know how it goes, take care Gloria x

  • Hiya I had my surgery through keyhole on Friday, they also removed a very huge fibroid through my vagina as the consultant said he didn’t want to cut me but left a bit of a tear.i was in St Mary’s for two nights and came home last night. Pain wasn’t too bad I seem to have more pain down my right leg for some reason and still losing blood. I’ve been up today had a shower and a little walk down the garden but I think that’s enough for today. Thank you everyone for all your support and onwards and upwards in my recovery xxx 

  • Hi Y12. So pleased to hear you’re now home and doing well. Wishing you all the best for a continued good recovery. 
    Onwards and upwards. 
    Sue. X