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Hi ladies. Well, I had my pre op yesterday and have a date for my hysterectomy which is this coming Friday 6th September. Afternoon theatre. Mixture of feelings. I can’t wait to have my womb etc out but at the same time I’m now feeling apprehensive that it’s finally going to happen. I will be having a large incisional hernia repair then the hysterectomy all in the same op. I don’t have a feeling of loss about losing my womb but I have this feeling of it and my body have let me down. It grew my two lovely boys now 44 and 36 but now it and my body have let me down. I felt this way in 2005 when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I have been told I have Lynch Syndrome and I have an appointment at the Genetic Clinic on October 2nd. Anyway I just wanted to let you know I have a date.
Onward and upward. 

Sue. X