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  • 76 subscribers

Hi ladies. Well, I had my pre op yesterday and have a date for my hysterectomy which is this coming Friday 6th September. Afternoon theatre. Mixture of feelings. I can’t wait to have my womb etc out but at the same time I’m now feeling apprehensive that it’s finally going to happen. I will be having a large incisional hernia repair then the hysterectomy all in the same op. I don’t have a feeling of loss about losing my womb but I have this feeling of it and my body have let me down. It grew my two lovely boys now 44 and 36 but now it and my body have let me down. I felt this way in 2005 when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I have been told I have Lynch Syndrome and I have an appointment at the Genetic Clinic on October 2nd. Anyway I just wanted to let you know I have a date.
Onward and upward. 

Sue. X

  • Just to say, thinking about you

    onwards and upwards xx

  • Hi how did it go Sue84? I hope you are home now. I have mine tomorrow x

  • Hi Tangle123

    I had it Friday afternoon and came home Sunday evening so two nights hospital stay and not three as expected. I had a hernia repair as well which has a drain which runs into a bottle and that’s a blooming nuisance. Had some pain from hernia site but not really from the hysterectomy. Don’t know if that’s because my incision is vertical and not horizontal. Came to bed around 9 o’’clock as finding I tire easily but have just been for a wee and am finding getting in and out of bed easier than yesterday. Will be thinking of you  and hope you op etc goes as well as possible. Sue X

  • Hi Tangle123

    Good luck for today- hope all goes well for you.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sue

    Hope you are recovering ok at home and things are getting more comfortable with the hernia site.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane.

    Every day it gets easier. Get pain on standing, sitting and getting in and out of bed but not had any paracetamol since yesterday morning. Feel more myself today though I do get tired easily. The drain from my hernia site is a nuisance but I go back to Sheffield on Monday to have staples and hopefully the drain out. 


  • Glad you are feeling more yourself. Hopefully once the staples and drain are out you will feel a lot better


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hiya I’m glad everything went well and you’re resting at home. I’m having mine on Friday so feeling very nervous now xx

  • Hiya I hope everything goes well thinking of you. I have mine on Friday xx

  • Hi Sue, glad to hear you are back home and coping well considering your double opp , I went for my pre opp yesterday all went well until I had to get on the exercise bike lol what a contraption that is and me with arthritis in both knees so that didn't work, I have a umbilical hernia but they haven't mentioned a repair for that just a robot hysterectomy, looks like the 19th now, they talk about getting fit for the operation but it is really difficult when you can't walk very far , otherwise I am ok and eat healthy but I am terified has I have never had a operation before anyway good to hear you are out the other side now and on the mend take care Gloria x