Hysterectomy done.

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  • 77 subscribers

After so much worry, I had my radical hysterectomy done laparoscopically on Wednesday. Had a general anaesthetic and spinal block for pain relief after. Pain relief was brilliant but I had a terrible itching reaction to the morphine they used so literally ripped myself to shreds and couldn’t sleep for 24 hours. Was home the next day. Pain has been cope able on inbruprofen and paracetamol and I feel so much better than expected. Anyone with hysterectomy coming up feel free to contact me if you need any reassurance. Everyone’s experience is different but mine has been overwhelmingly good (apart from the itching!).xxx

  • What are the protein drinks for Clem16? 

  • Clem16, I’ll be thinking of you tonight and in the morning. You’re doing what needs to be done and you will get through this and be okay. 

  • Hi Wise Owl 2, I’m not Clem16 but I was given drinks which I believe were designed to help maintain energy levels during the immediate post op recovery time.

  • Thank you MarmiteFan59

  • Good luck Clem16!! X

  • Hi Jane the Fibroids was the reason for my robotic surgery taking five hours as well as stopping just short of a blood transfusion apparently my womb could not be removed through my virginia as my womb was to enlarged due to the fibroids which caused the extra blood loss.

    Yes I did have the coil for two years but also high doses of the male hormone Medroxyprogesterone    (Provera) which stops the cancer feeding on any estrogen my dosage was 10mg x 5 tablets three times a day and due to my stage being 1a and grade being low the consultant said that the hormones was also a big factor that the cancer stayed the same for two years hence I am know cancer free.

    As far as I am concerned the consultants and medical team done an expectational job unfortunately it was the nursing team on ward 210 that definitely let the team down through inadequate pain relief or not understanding what pain is and how it affects the rest of your body and also your mind, unfortunately both my shoulders were affected due to the length on the operating table and the gas my right shoulder was more painful than my left and I needed an x-ray to see what had happened, but was more worrying was not getting my insulin at proper times and also my diabetic tablets as well, I was supposed to stay on that ward from the Friday to either Tuesday or Wednesday but as far as i was concerned if they couldn't do anything regarding pain and my prescribed Oxycoden LONGTEC or my Oxycoden shortec for breakthrough pain as well as baclofen for spasms Duloxetine for nerve pain as I have multiple degenerative discs and hips plus other prescribed medications then home would be better at home doing my own pain management 

  • Well look who’s here!! Good to see you Clem16 - how are you doing?

  • Pleased to be back home.