Hysterectomy done.

  • 31 replies
  • 74 subscribers

After so much worry, I had my radical hysterectomy done laparoscopically on Wednesday. Had a general anaesthetic and spinal block for pain relief after. Pain relief was brilliant but I had a terrible itching reaction to the morphine they used so literally ripped myself to shreds and couldn’t sleep for 24 hours. Was home the next day. Pain has been cope able on inbruprofen and paracetamol and I feel so much better than expected. Anyone with hysterectomy coming up feel free to contact me if you need any reassurance. Everyone’s experience is different but mine has been overwhelmingly good (apart from the itching!).xxx

  • Hi NannyBear. I’ve been thinking of you and looking out for your post. I’m so so pleased everything went well, apart from your  reaction to morphine. Good to hear you had the op laparoscopically and are home and doing well. Look forward to any updates.

    Big hugs.

    Sue. X

  • Hi Nannybear

    Glad it has gone well (apart from the reaction to the morphine) 

    Wishing you a good recovery and we are here if you need anything.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I had my hysterectomy in January 2022 and just had a general anaesthetic, no spinal block. I also refused morphine post op (as knew already from a past op that I didn’t like how it made me feel in my head) and just took paracetamol. From when I had the catheter removed I didn’t even need that. My tummy felt stretched and a bit bruised but all I took was a couple of paracetamol at bedtime “just in case”. And that was only for the first two nights. Hope you continue recovering well!

  • Mine is on Tuesday. Thank you for posting some reassuring words. Did anyone say how far you can walk? All the info I have is non specific!

  • Hi you can walk as far as you’re able- be guided by your body! I started gently - 5- 10 minutes and built up day by day. After a couple of weeks I was up to 30 minutes- but you just need to do what’s right for you.

  • Hi Clem16, I couldn’t find much advice online but saw on one hospital website that there’s no reason why you can’t go for a walk as soon as soon you get home from hospital! So when I was discharged from hospital I went down in the lift, but then walked to my husband’s car in the car park rather than taking up his offer of bringing it to the door! And then when I got home I went almost straight away for a gentle 5 minute stroll around a nearby block. The next day I did that twice, and the following day I increased one of them to 10 mins, and just continued like that, gradually increasing, but also listening to my body. By a week post op I was doing 20-30 mins per day, and by 2 weeks post op was up to 40 mins or so per day.

  • I was up and walking that evening, I walked from the ward and down in the lift to across the car park to come home. No official advice but I’m planning to walk for 5-10 minutes from today. Be guided by how you feel.xxx

  • Thank you. That's really useful. And encouraging. Having a pre op wobble!

  • Thank you. I've experience of rehab after accident but that's different as you are supposed to push yourself. Realise this time it's different


  • Thank you. I like a bit of a plan as long as it's realistic!