Hysterectomy done.

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  • 77 subscribers

After so much worry, I had my radical hysterectomy done laparoscopically on Wednesday. Had a general anaesthetic and spinal block for pain relief after. Pain relief was brilliant but I had a terrible itching reaction to the morphine they used so literally ripped myself to shreds and couldn’t sleep for 24 hours. Was home the next day. Pain has been cope able on inbruprofen and paracetamol and I feel so much better than expected. Anyone with hysterectomy coming up feel free to contact me if you need any reassurance. Everyone’s experience is different but mine has been overwhelmingly good (apart from the itching!).xxx

  •   - you might like to say about your walking and what was said to you! 

  • Hi Clem16, I’m a very active person and now 5 weeks post laparoscopic hysterectomy. I found it wasn’t about walking duration for me but more about taking it slow and gentle for the first few days. I found I was fine doing a lot of steps (10,000) within 3-4 days of getting home, but taking it slowly and on the flat at first. As others have said, do what you feel comfortable with. Walking is about the only thing you can do for the first few weeks, so I may have done a bit more than recommended but I’ve been careful and felt fine throughout so have gone with it (also for my mental health - I’m not good at sitting still). Good luck!

  • Great. Thank you. I also find walking really helps my mental health! 

  • OMG I really wish my radical had went as easy as I had read on this site I took everything as gospel regarding having my own radical hysterectomy which was on the 24th May 2024 with robotic surgery which had complications causing nearly five hours of surgery no spinal block a day half morphine although I was in extreme from my shoulder especially my right one, I couldn't lift my arm (s) ending going for an X-ray as they thought they had dislocated my right shoulder the pain was at a 10 +++++ as for my left that was also extremely painful at a 8 when moving as for pain in my tummy I definitely had pain and discomfort as I had 5 ports and 25 staples across my tummy as my womb couldn't be taken out though my Virginia the fibroids were to large causing me to loose more blood then usuel, I made sure I got out of bed the next day although I was uncomfortable and sore across my tummy and the bottom of my back, I was supposed to stay for 5 days but I left on the Sunday since they couldn't do anything for me for example increased my pain relief or give me my insulin on time which was not helping my sugar levels, or my pain. I had a urine infection and thrush and night sweating symptoms.  So the whole thing turned out to be not as easy as most women on the thread.

  • Hello Wilma

    I am sorry to hear that you had a rough time with your surgery in the end and it does seem that you experience was a bit more rare than most of the ladies on here. Most ladies do seem to find the surgery reasonably straightforward but this will depend on lots of factors including any other health issues. I wonder if the fibroids were a factor.

    I seem to remember that your cancer was treated with the mirena for a long time before the surgery and that you went through a lot to be able to have the surgery. I remember being pleased when the consultant would finally do it. 

    I hope that you are now getting over the surgery and that things are starting to settle for you. I was really pleased to hear that once the surgery was done you did not need to have any further treatment- must have been a relief. 

    I am sorry to hear that you did not have a great experience at your hospital- I was lucky in that mine were brilliant and I was able to go home the following day. 

    If you feel it would help to talk through the difficult experiences you had, please do give the Support Line a call. The number is below.

    I wish you well for the future and hope you are feeling better now. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Wilma, I’m really sorry you didn’t have a good experience with your op and hope your recovery since has gone much better for you!
    I think your story was one of those I read after I was first diagnosed (on 24th May as it happens - the same day as your op!), which then caused me some concern ahead of mine. After my op I wanted to share my thoughts to help show that we don't all have the same experiences. I had no underlying health conditions and was on no medication prior to my diagnosis.

    I really hope you’re out the other side now?

  • Hi again Clem16, just over a day to go - how are you doing? All packed? What time do you have to be there and how are you getting there? I remember getting up about 5am for a shower as I had to wash with the Hibiscrub stuff before going in. And then my taxi came at 6.20am as I’m about an hour away. Whilst Wilma’s experience was unfortunate, it’s not at all typical and I do hope that reading it hasn’t unnerved you at all. Most hysterectomies are straightforward and you feel surprisingly better quicker than you thought you would! Have you seen the what to pack thread? Are you taking any snacks in with you?

  • An early start and a taxi ride for me tomorrow. It's very kind of you to ask. As for the packing well if call that ongoing. I have packed some biscuits as the weather where I am makes chocolate out of the question! 

    I'm very sorry to hear that Wilma has had such a difficult time of it. 

    I've had some anxiety and concerns about how the op will go but I'm sure that's true of most people. One or two well meaning friends have asked a lot of questions about outcomes but I've been telling them the only thing I need to do right now is get myself  through the door of the hospital on Tuesday morning. I'm keeping it all together more or less. 

    I'll report back after the event! 

    Thank you again

  • I haven't been given a hibiscus scrub but I have been given protein drinks three times a day for the two days prior to op and also something unattractively called pre load for the evening before and on the day itself before 6am. Feeling rather full! 

  • Sounds like a type of laundry detergent!