Awaiting hysteroscopy results

  • 11 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My first post here and I guess I'm just looking for somewhere to vent my anxieties! Havnt told anyone in my family yet, don't want to cause any worry. 

I am 42, have 3 children and according to blood results etc am not yet peri-menopausal. I went to the GP at the start of May as I had been on a constant period since the start of March (still going strong now!) Along with cramping and bloating. She did a swab, gave me some TXA and referred my for an ultrasound. Swabs came back fine which was good! 

The USS saw I had a thickened endometrium of 19.6mm and also found a 1.9cm polyp. So I was referred via the 2 week pathway for a hysteroscopy, which I had on Tuesday last week. They took a biopsy of the endometrial lining however couldn't remove the polyp, so I have to go back for that, just waiting on an appointment date. 

Everything I'm reading online is pointing towards my biopsy results likely being a malignancy - Dr Google eh! If I have, then I'm fine with it, just is what it is, but I'm anxious waiting to find out and sick to death of bleeding if I'm being honest!  

I'm just wondering how long I might be waiting for the biopsy results, and if any of you lovely ladies have experienced results like mine? The nurse doing the hysteroscopy was nice enough but didn't really give me very much information unfortunately other than 'we will write to you or give you a call' 

Thankyou for listening to my anxious ramblings! Any advice is welcome xx

  • Hello AmandaChad

    Welcome to the Womb group. 

    I am sorry to hear about your bleeding, thickened lining and the polyp. The constant bleeding is hard to manage. 

    You have done the right thing though in getting it checked. 

    My biopsy results took around a week however, this can vary from hospital to hospital, and is not an indication of good or not so good results- it just depends on the workload. The hospital may have a weekly Multi Disciplinary Meeting and at my hospital any results are normally discussed at these and then they contact you afterwards. I opted to be called but sometimes they can write. There is no harm in giving the hospital a call early next week to ask if there is any update. 

    The nurse doing the hysteroscopy would not really be able to give you any more information on the day it was done as it is only the pathology lab that can confirm if cancer cells are present.

    It can be an anxious time waiting for results- and I would try to avoid googling- in my experience it is not going to change the outcome and can be quite scary and not necessarily accurate. If talking things through would help, then I can recommend calling the Support Line- the details are below. 

    I hope that you will hear something next week but in the meantime we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane, Thankyou for your reply. I plan to give them a call at some point this week to see where things are up to. It is anxiety provoking not knowing what is going on, but as you say, it can't change the outcome. 

    I'm really trying to avoid Google, human nature to be inquisitive and plan for all potential outcomes, but again as you say it is incredibly unhelpful! 

    Thankyou for sharing your experience too, I appreciate that. 

    Amanda x 

  • Hi Amanda, another Amanda here! I’d go further than Jane and would categorically say STOP googling. Dr Google should be struck up for too often giving irrelevant, out of date or even wrong info that will just end up scaring the life out of you and increasing your anxiety. The Macmillan website is super for info and this group is also a great resource and support. My consultant told me I’d get the results in two weeks. When it was two weeks to the day I phoned my consultant’s secretary and asked if she knew how long it would be. I found out then that the results needed to go to the MDT first (multi disciplinary team) and they met once a week on a Friday morning. It was a Weds when I phoned her and I got my results two days later on the Friday, after the MDT meeting. If you do phone to chase the results, it may help if you ask when the MDT meet as that may give a clue. 

  • I agree, it is human nature to be inquisitive- but with google it's not necessarily accurate or up to date.

    Here is some info that is...............

    Endometrial hyperplasia - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (

    328-21_endometrial-polypectomy.pdf (

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    But please remember that although you have the bleeding, it does not necessarily mean that there is cancer present and causing it. And the same with the polyp- although some can have cancer cells present- some do not. 

    I hope you do not have to wait too much longer- for me the waiting was one of the worst bits as you do not yet know what will happen. Once I knew for sure and had a treatment plan- I had something to focus on, and that helped.

    Good Luck and let us know if you need anything



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I read these posts last night as I just reached the end of the 2 week wait for results that the consultant told me it would be. Gave them a call today to get an idea of when I would hear and they told me it is categorically always 4-6 weeks! I’ve barely been holding it together for the last fortnight so feel absolutely flattened now that I might need to wait another month! Seems so crazy that there is such a variance in timescales. Hope you get your results quicker than that but I’d check in so you can manage your expectations.

  • Hi everyone, 

    .thankyou for all of your comments so far. I called the hospital today and they said the biopsy results are on the system, but they need a clinician to review them. 

    They advised that I should hear in the next 2 to 3 days, s fingers crossed 

  • Not long to go now- good luck and let us know how it goes



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I had a polyp removed and biopsies taken for suspected endometriol cancer on 13th May and I'm still waiting for the results! I was also told 4-6 weeks and I'm 5 weeks and 2 days. I'm so stressed. Rang GP yesterday and was told I'd just have to wait. I go in holiday on Saturday and I would really like to know one way or the other before then. 

  • Hi Rosie, 

    Have you heard anything yet? I do hope you have some peace of mind and enjoy your holiday x 

  • Hi everyone, I received my results today and thankfully it's simple hyperplasia. 

    Thankyou to everyone who replied to offer support, you are all wonderful