Awaiting hysteroscopy results

  • 11 replies
  • 67 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

My first post here and I guess I'm just looking for somewhere to vent my anxieties! Havnt told anyone in my family yet, don't want to cause any worry. 

I am 42, have 3 children and according to blood results etc am not yet peri-menopausal. I went to the GP at the start of May as I had been on a constant period since the start of March (still going strong now!) Along with cramping and bloating. She did a swab, gave me some TXA and referred my for an ultrasound. Swabs came back fine which was good! 

The USS saw I had a thickened endometrium of 19.6mm and also found a 1.9cm polyp. So I was referred via the 2 week pathway for a hysteroscopy, which I had on Tuesday last week. They took a biopsy of the endometrial lining however couldn't remove the polyp, so I have to go back for that, just waiting on an appointment date. 

Everything I'm reading online is pointing towards my biopsy results likely being a malignancy - Dr Google eh! If I have, then I'm fine with it, just is what it is, but I'm anxious waiting to find out and sick to death of bleeding if I'm being honest!  

I'm just wondering how long I might be waiting for the biopsy results, and if any of you lovely ladies have experienced results like mine? The nurse doing the hysteroscopy was nice enough but didn't really give me very much information unfortunately other than 'we will write to you or give you a call' 

Thankyou for listening to my anxious ramblings! Any advice is welcome xx