Referal (again)

  • 2 replies
  • 65 subscribers

 I was advised to post here I had introduced myself on the welcome page. I have been doing the “Google” thing which i know you shouldn’t do. I had a hysteroscopy biopsy at the beginning of the year and was told it was ok but they couldn’t view all of the uterus or annexa, due to extensive scarring / adhesions. This surprised me as I have never had any uterine surgery or infection. There was no follow up to explain. However this week I have started bleeding again for 7 days now. My GP has referred me back to the hospital. I just have a horrible horrible feeling that something sinister is going on. As well as the bleeding I have period type pain and being 57 that stopped many years ago. I think I convinced myself that because they couldn’t view the uterus they couldn’t see what may have been going on within the scarring g and behind it. Just feel a sense of dread at the moment. 

  • Hi JaxN

    Welcome to the Womb group. 

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some post menopausal bleeding and period type pain. I understand how scary it can feel. 

    I think it is positive that you have had a clear endometrial biopsy just 6 months ago so if there is anything found then it is more likely to have not been there for long. Although they had difficulty to view the whole uterus due to the scarring- I think the main thing that is important is that there were no cancer cells present. 

    It is not great that there was no follow up to explain but I would always suggest going back to your GP as they will have been sent any updates from such tests.

    With more bleeding happening it is the right thing to refer you again and I would imagine it would be another scan and probable biopsy. There are other causes for bleeding such as hyperplasia (thickened womb lining) and things such a polyps/fibroids. Any of these could have developed since the beginning of the year. The main thing with any bleeding is they rule out the most serious potential causes first. 

    I would stay off google as it is not necessarily accurate or up to date and we are all individuals with individual medical history and symptoms. Stick to sites such as Macmillan, Cancer Research or NHS. 

    I hope you do not have to wait to be seen but in the meantime if talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. 

    It is natural to feel worried and have that sense of dread- I think we all have felt like it at some point. But the main thing is that you are getting checked and that will hopefully show the cause and once they know what is causing it- then they can either monitor you or treat it. 

    If you need anything or want to ask anything, please do so.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for the reply Jane. I know you are right, my GP has referred me back to the consultant. So I am hopeful it won’t be too long. In the mean time I plan to keep busy to distract myself. 