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  • 68 subscribers

Well it's here and after two years and as my husband said to the consultant about 8 weeks ago "I have never seen someone like Williamina wanting an operation so bad most people try to put it back but not her"

Well on Friday 24th May 2024 my time has come and I won't lie I am absolutely terrified it's been a long two years that I have had time to worry stress about wanting my buddy Mrs Cancer away and going through 4 Hysteroscopy's one under anaesthetic three without MRI'S CT'S Bloods Scans bleeding heavy clots for nearly 6 months or more I felt so tired I still do as I have loads of pain around my right ovaries and the pit of my stomach then being told how high a risk I am due to being disabled diabetic high blood pressure and morbidly obese BMI 60 at start May 2022.

So in 2022 my weight started out at 160.6kg then about a year later 2023 I met with the robodoc in an other Hospital were they have been doing robotic surgery just over a year, I was told "due to my weight and complexe medical problems I was against any surgery whatsoever as the risk of me coming of the table was limited or the quality of life might be less is I take a stroke or heart attack but he wanted me to see the Anesthetist for consultation so about 2 months later we had a meeting with her and she definitely didn't want to put me under due to the high percentage regarding risk leading to death stroke or heart attack, she went on to say she would need a central line in then i would be in critical care for a couple days then the ward after that and that she only had my interest first and foremost hence reluctant for the operation, after that meeting about 3 maybe 4 weeks later I had another meeting with robodoc were I was told if I got my weight down from the 152.9 kg to 149 or 148kg then he would schedule me in for the operation but under the condition that he puts the camera in first to see if he could get to the areas he needs to get, I need a goal for when the weight had to be off something to work towards which was 6 weeks I got down to 143kg and he was really pleased,   I am know 141.3kg my BMI is now 53.4  I thought I would be going to the day unit on Friday 24th 2024 with losing the weight but my letter has came in for the ward so I feel out of control again as I don't really know my care plan and what's happening which is making me feel so sick the the fact I told hubby I don't want to go through it.

I am so scared something might happen and who's going to look after him as our daughter is down South in Southampton with her partner.

  •   . I've been following your journey as we trod the Mirena coil route together.

    You've done so well on your weight loss.

    It's been a long climb for you to get near the mountain's summit and that can add to the stress of the final leg. You've got this. Breath. And remember you can ask your healthcare team to guide you where needed.

    All the very best for your summitting tomorrow.

  • Hi 

    I am having my total hysterectomy sometime this afternoon and like you have had to loose weight I’ve dropped 22kilos in less than four months and now at 128/130 depending on what time of day I weigh … I’m sure your medical team would not be bringing you in unless they are positive about the outcome . I’m going along with the situation that it  is now out of my hands and in theirs. They are the experts it’s their job  and they are very experienced …. I wish you well and know you have had a long struggle with this … but will tell you a neighbour of mine has gone through this and she is a large lady …. with no problem whatsoever … good luck for tommorow 

  • Hi Wilma

    Your journey to get to this point has been phenomenal, the weight loss is amazing and you’ve done so well.  Tomorrow is another part of the journey to get rid of your buddy.

    We all have our own experiences and each one of us is different.  Personally I knew the hysterectomy was necessary but that didn’t stop we wanting to run away and not deal with it.  I’m sure each and everyone of us feel exactly the same.

    I was in hospital 3 days due to diabetes and disability but I’ve never been so grateful to the consultant when she told me they had got everything and she was sure there was nothing cancerous left.

    The feeling after having it done is a relief and it’s then you start to worry about the next part of the journey, waiting for the results to come back.

    Hope you are first on the list tomorrow, I was, and for everything to go smoothly.  You will be well monitored and looked after.  It’s part of the process to worry. and here on the forum we will all be sending our best wishes to you.

    Linda x

  • Hi CrumptOrtoast (it's a crumpet day)How r you doing !! It's pooping time for me two years this May 2024 it's coming time tomorrow for buddy Mrs Cancer to get cut out but I feel really apprehensive and we will have to leave tomorrow morning at 05:45am for 7am arrival I phoned the ward regarding medication I asked about my care plan but the answer was no that Anesthetist would be around at 07:30am 

  • All the very best wishes xx you might be under now and I hope it all goes so well they the experts good luck Heart️

  • Hi Wilma,

    You have done so well with losing weight and it seems such a long journey you have been on to get to this stage. I hope that your surgery goes well today and I am sure you will be well looked after.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Wishing you all the best for today Heart 


  • Hi   . I appreciate you mentioned you'd likely be in high dependency / critical care, but I just wanted this message to be awaiting you when you felt up to it.

    I hope all went well as you waved your goodbyes to Mrs C and that your recovery is swift. I wishing you all the best.

  • High crumpet or toast, 

    Well that's the operation done and dusted,

    Personally i would NEVER GO THROUGH THIS TYPE OF OPERATION AGAIN. the operation turned out to be complex and took four half nearly five hours, I have 20 staples, biggest across my stomach because my womb was to large to be taken through the vagina due to large fibroids unfortunately this was one of the issues causing the operation to become complex such as having difficulty getting to deeper parts as well as problems due to scar tissue from previous operations this caused  me to have lost a large amount of blood and apparently nearly causing a  blood transfusion, so I now have to keep a check on my iron levels.

    I would advice to get moving and showered the next day as possible it makes things so much better especially concerning health. 

    .It was also apparently difficult to move me around even when tipped upside down, as well as the extra time on the table this in turn excsabated my previous medical issues causing both shoulder's more on my right side to be horrendously painful and uncomfortable to use or move although my left shoulder was in the same situation it's calmed down slightly, unfortunately I am still unable to use them and meal times are embarrassing asi can't use the cutlery properly

    I see myself lucky as doctor May (ROBODOC) went ahead and got on with the operation and thank goodness he did as for sure in fact 100% sure I wouldn't go back to get this done, as I remember in recovery pleading with them to help me with the pain in my shoulders and saying "  Please Listen to me help me the pain is too much, please please help me "your not listening to me. !!!!

    As for pain relief it was a joke a none starter yesterday I had the morphine pump but nothing was helping me and I said that but nothing done even I my regular insulin and medicine were given at the wrong time or not given at all in fact the care was a poor standard, I am so glad I am home and hubby is helping.

  • Oh you poor thing … I hope you recover quickly now you are home … I had mine on Thursday and I felt ok after but after the long journey home with all the pot holes I was feeling rather weak … don’t want to eat much  and yesterday had diarrhoea real bad … it’s certainly a big operation …. Let’s hope you can now recover and get on with life … sending a big hug x