Vulvar melanoma wide local excision histology

  • 17 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hey all. I've just had my wide local excision of the main vulvar lesion and a further 6 less scary (still all are abcde rule positive mind) looking lesions surrounding that one. This was done 4 days ago. I've just now had an NHS app message with my follow up appointment with my gynaecological oncologist, it's 3 weeks today. I've a lengthy list of symptoms indicating it'll be bad news, both a dermatologist and a gynaecological oncologist are confident it will turn out to be the big C, I've a brain disease diagnosis back in January that 63% of the time later discovers an unknown malignancy to be its cause, etc. So many things pointing towards the results I don't want. But now I'm wondering, this appointment, 3 weeks away. Is that standard, or does it mean they've tested and got the result and it's not malignant after all and 3 weeks they're making me wait because no rush no urgency because nothing to worry about, is the 3 weeks confirmed appointment just standard to get me booked in with all being well everything tests results MDT report to oncologist will all be done within 3 weeks, is it a bad sign if it means yes they've got results already it was definitely obvious no doubt about it 100% malignant so testing was done and dusted quickly? My mind is racing obviously any help would be really appreciated. Thanks all.

  • Hi  

    I saw your post in the cancer chat forum, so replied to it there before I noticed this one.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah you've really helped ease my mind. I hope your journey is going well for you. X

  • I’m glad it might have helped with those racing thoughts-I do understand exactly how that feels! 

    I had cervical cancer, so a bit different, but my original diagnosis was way back in 2018, so I’m doing well thank you. It can be a good idea to complete your profile details so that others can see what has brought you here, and where you are with treatment etc. If you click on a member’s name and they have filled in their profile details, you can read their stories.

    I hope you’re coping well in these early post surgery days-from reading your post I can see you’ve had a lot going on, so things can’t be easy. I hope you’ll find a lot of support from others in the community, and please keep us posted with how things go for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Oh that's definitely something I'll do right now after this comment. My mind was one track when I got here I didn't even notice profiles and what not, but I'll fill mine in and have a read of other's, yours first. Thanks so much. Thank you I'm confident this will be another beneficial support group for me now I'm here. I'm in a few support groups on Facebook for my bipolar and for my brain disease, they've been really good always, so I'm sure this will be great for helping me with this newest journey (hopefully short and no further mind). I'm doing OK it's not the easiest of situations I'm a single mum to a 6 year old boy and it's the summer holidays, so resting isn't as available as I'd like it to be. But things could be worse so it's all good. Thanks for you help and all the best to you x

  • I just typed out a lengthy reply, hit reply, but then it doesn't look to have posted it. That's annoying haha. X

  • I pretty much typed yes I'll do my profile and check yours and others out I'd not noticed profile stuff so thanks for that too. I'm trying to rest but I'm a single mum with a 6 year old boy and it's the school holidays lol. It could be worse though so I plod along. Thansk again and all the best to you x

  • Oh my, trying to rest with a little one is not easy! I hope you’ve got some support around you though? 

    Sometimes the forum can be frustrating to deal with-I’ve had many replies disappear before but now I tend to copy my post before I try to reply and it’s saved my bacon a few times! You’ll soon get used to it.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Copy my reply before hitting that reply button, noted thank you lol. Yes thankfully some days I have my dad here with us, he's been tackling bathing cooking entertaining for my boy those times so that's a huge help. I've a friend staying here Tuesday night's for however long, another really appreciated help too. So it could definitely be much harder for me right now recovery wise, I'm thankful for them. It's been non stop since January though my health problems along with I've got bipolar, I'm starting to feel like a massive burden to people lol. Just done my profile and about to read yours x

  • I've just read your profile. Wow. That was all very terrifying and upsetting to read I really felt for you, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. But then it ended with me having a smile for you. You kicked its ass and now you're helping other's, both of which are absolutely amazing. You're a superhero for sure x

  • I’m really glad to see you’ve got some practical help from your dad and support and company from your friend. I’ve often felt that I was a burden to my partner who basically cared for me and did everything, but I have never been made to feel that at all. 

    Just accept that for now you need that help and try not to feel guilty-the other person really wants to help out and care for you.

    Thanks for doing your profile details-you’ve been caught up in a real whirlwind recently for sure, and you’re so young (same age as my daughter) so it’s a lot to deal with. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm