Scared of possible vulva cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Good evening all , hope everyone is well and had a lovely weekend and Halloween :) . I am 30 years old 31 in few months for just over 6 months I have had this lesion growth on my outer labia looks like around size of a pea is not under the skin and moves around, it bleeds on and off and hasn’t went away. I should have made an appointment sooner to get it checked anyway my appointment is a week today apart from that my symptoms are stomach/pelvic and severe flank and lower back pain, urgency to pee and can’t hold in long always have sore stomach like bursting for the loo and I also have discolouring down below. I have no sti or infection that’s been ruled out. I have got high risk cervical HPV and currently just had my yearly one and this is my second that’s came back again still with the high risk hpv and abnormal cells waiting to be seen at hospital for that. Just needed a safe place to vent but if anyone has experienced anything similar or has any advice that be great xxx

  • Hi ,

    I put off seeing my doctor too! So you’re not alone there. 

    My lesion was white, but I am aware that vulval cancer can present in different ways and I also had VIN3. Mine did bleed a little here and there. It’s good that you’re seeing someone as at least that will give you your answers either way. 

    Always here to chat if you need a listening ear and I wish you the best of luck. 

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for your reply , was your lesion like a white ball sorry that sounds odd mines is like wart/tag but it’s pink whitish but doesn’t look like a wart and like your self bleeds on and off.I have briefly seen about VIN3 is that pre cancer cells ? Sorry for TMI but my inner labia at opening of vagina is very red and patchy inside with what looks like clusters of white dots very hard to explain, another 6 days till see the doctor but figured as I waited this long that won’t hurt. I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis are you still under going treatment? Thank you for your message And take care of your self  xx

  • Hi ,

    Mine was quite flat. I wouldn’t describe it as a ball. I did have a small lump next it though. 

    Yes VIN is precancerous changes. 

    How did you get on with the doctor?

    Thank you. My treatment finished last year and I am now 18 months cancer free Slight smile

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm