Will dermovate treat Vin 2?

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi. I've recently been diagnosed with Vin 2 following biopsies.

My symptoms of vulval itching and soreness have been going on for at least 10 years but most prominent in the past 4 years.  I've been treated with various steroid creams in the past 3 years and what I feel is fobbed off up until recently. (Think my age is a factor in this,  33)

Spoke to my consultant gynaecologist yesterday over the telephone and he is saying they will treat my Vin 2 with Dermovate. I've had this cre previously and although alleviates some of the soreness it never goes away even when using daily.

I don't feel a steroid cream is going to get rid of the Vin and wondered if I should be asking questions ?

My next appointment will be 21st January.

  • Hi ,

    I will start by saying I am not medically trained, so can only talk from experience. I was given dermovate to help reduce my symptoms (itching and soreness) until I was able to have my biopsy and then my surgery. It was my understanding that it was to help the symptoms, not to get rid of my VIN3, but as I say I am not medically trained. You could call the Macmillan support line on the number below as they have trained professionals who would be better equipped to answer your question. With regards to whether you should be asking questions, my view is that if you have concerns then yes you should ask questions. At the very least it can  help to reassure you. 

    I wish you the best of luck and please do feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I am very happy to answer if I am able to. 

    Take care,

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm