Vin 1 & 3

  • 23 replies
  • 13 subscribers

I have three whitish patches down below and have had biopsy s taken  from each site. Just heard I have Vin 1&3. I have n!ever heard of this and the Gynaecologist seems vauge. I have been given three options. Leave and see what happens, have one or all patches removed or go to see another Gynaecologist that uses Imiqomode therapy. Any advice ?? Please.

  • Hi Private Bits,

    I am sorry that you have VIN 1 and 3. I have been having VIN3 for a couple of years which never go away and had 5 times surgeries so far. Usually they want to have treatment if you have VIN3. You could wait and see for VIN1, but not VIN3. You could try Imiqomode cream to see if it helps for your VIN3. I have tried it also, but unfortunately did not help for me and also need to keep doing it for a couple of months. If you do not mind, you could try it. I personally did not like it because it stings and sores, but I made it through.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kuma

    Hi Kuma,

    Thank you so much for replying to my message. I am inclined to go for surgery but as you say how likely is it to return. How likely is it to turn into Cancer ?

    Are you saying that your Vin 3 keeps returning to the same site or that another area has grown ?

    Virtual hugs,


  • Hello The Eve Appeal is a charity which has a website explaining what VIN is. Sorry I'm not very good at posting links otherwise I would post one here.

    Hope this helps


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to JaneAustenfan

    Hi, I hope you are ok. Thank you so much for the link. I will look at it.

    I am not very good at this sort of thing either.


  • Hi you're welcome. I am ok at the moment. Had a check up at the hospital last week and they said all looks good but am now waiting for a test result which should be back in 3 weeks. Am relieved that my appointment could go ahead.

    Hope the Eve Appeal website proves useful


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to JaneAustenfan

    So did you have Vin ??

  • No, if you click on my profile name it gives you my back history. They thought I had CIN 3 but it turned out to be CIN 1 I think. 


  • C stands for cervical. It was picked up on routine screening.  Some women with CIN also develop VIN or VAIN. I had never heard of any of them either until my recent scare.

  • Hi Liz,

    I would  say vulvectomy is the best way for VIN3 from my experiences. I have had both vulvectomy and laser surgeries, but it seems like laser tends to come back easily. My VINs come back in a couple of months usually. I used to have surgery every 3-4 months, but this time I waited for about a year, my doctor understands how hard to deal with this. I just kept having some symptoms(itchy, sore) which is not very comfortable even when I walk plus I have severe vaginal dryness from vaginal cancer treatment.

    My doctor said even if you have VIN3, it is not emergency, but keep an eye on and would recommend to go back to see a doctor in a couple of months or so. My VINs come back different areas. They were everywhere from lower vagina to up near urethra( I lost both of labia). I was told that my body can not fight against HPV some how.

    Best wishes,


  • So sorry to hear you’re going through this!

    If my experience can be any help to you, I would recommend that if your doctor offers the cream then really think about doing it before you go straight to surgery.

    I was diagnosed with VIN 2 and my doctor recommended surgery straight away. Less than a week after my surgery the VIN became a lot more apparent and after being tested, was found to be VIN 3. Even after my most recent surgery I think it could still be there and I will likely need to use imi when I see my gynae again.

    Looking back I wish I had tried the cream first as it seems that the surgery sort of disrupted the area and caused my VIN to erupt. 

    There are also lots of ladies on here who had VIN 3 and used the cream and it worked so maybe go back a bit further in the posts and reach out to them. 

    Good luck to you xxxx