Worried about Lump!

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Hey guys,

                 I have a big lump inside my vagina, I'm having a lot of back and womb pain. My left leg is also swollen. The lump itself is rock hard at the bottom and covered by what feels like a water balloon. I've had a Bartolin's cyst before but this feels nothing like it! I've just gone through the menopause and I haven't had any bleeding, just awful bloating, running to the loo and th awful pain! I've  realised I've had this lump for years, I never paid it much notice as I thought it was part off my anatomy it was so hard! I had been having pain after sex and feeling sick but I ve so many other ailments it didn't register (I had a 3cm benign lump removed from my thyroid in Nov). I've booked with my gp for next week but I'm really worried...hoping it will be a cyst or maybe prolapse. Apologies for asking but what did everyone's lump feel like? This feels weird, there's at least 2cm thickness of rock hardness running the whole length of my vaginal wall, then the whole thing is enclosed in a massive watery balloon. 

  • Hi  and welcome to the group

    I can see you’re concerned about this lump, but at least you’re going to the doctor to start the process of finding out what it is. I didn’t have vaginal cancer myself, but I did have a tumour growing into my vaginal wall. I was actually unaware it was there because I had never tried to feel it.

    I’m not sure if any of the other ladies have experience of feeling a lump, but we do have ladies coming into the group concerned about lumps where it turns out to be something other than vaginal cancer. I think it can be difficult to try to compare things like lumps with others as there can be different explanations and what happens for one person may not be the same as for another.

    Nobody would be able to suggest what the lump might be, and it’s likely that your gp would refer you to a gynaecologist for further examination if he/she is uncertain. I understand that you’re concerned it could be cancer since you’re posting in a cancer group, but from experience it’s best to let the experts decide rather than thinking too far ahead. I worked on the assumption that it’s only cancer when they say it is, so try not to let thoughts run wild at this point! 

    I hope you’ll come back and let us know how you get on-if you do get a cancer diagnosis there will be lots of support and help within the community for you, and if you don’t and it is something else, it’s always good to know you’ve got the all clear. 

    I hope your appointment goes well, and it’s something less serious.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks,

                   Yes I tend to try and prepare myself for the worst but it's impossible to know at this stage what it could be and it's only a few day's more until my doc appointment! Fingers crossed and I will update, everyone is so lovely on here! x

  • Hi  

    I was quite the opposite, strangely enough-prepared myself for the best and got a cancer diagnosis! I do try and look on the bright side, but was wrong on that occasion, but I still try in general to flip things to a positive outlook when I can. Just a thought-do ask about pain relief when you see the gp, if you’re not taking anything  at the moment for your pain. Don’t suffer in silence, as it’s horrible to be suffering if you can take something to help. 

    I’m glad you’re finding the community a good place to be; that’s nice to know, 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Ok so I saw my gp yesterday (she's lovely!) and she's referring me to either gynae or urology, she thinks it's growing along my ureter. Plus bloods and scans. She says she's referring not because she's particularly worried about it but it needs checked out! My translation: it's a bit suspicious but let's not get alarmed! She said there could be a bit of a wait and if things get worse to come back to her. I'm exhausted with it all, the pain, the worry I'm not that long after having a partial thyroidectomy to remove another lump! Believe it or not the doctor is refusing to give me any other pain relief,I get co codamol in restricted amounts and just paracetamol. Why I don't know! And I've tried different doctors!! I've no addiction history or anything! There is bound to be different pain relief I could try. Anyhow the positive I've taken is that she hasn't rushed an appointment, I am worried but I'll have to try my best to settle down as it looks like it's going to be a long haul. I'm just so sore and fed up, I'm having to lie down lots and because it's pressing on my bladder I'm constantly running to the loo. My mum passed away with appendix cancer, my aunt with lung cancer and my sister's primary was never found, in the end it had spread to her liver. So I guess this is why I get so panicked over lumps and bumps!

  • Hi  

    Thanks for the update. It’s unfortunate that you’ve not been referred under the 2 week wait because that would get you seen sooner, especially since you’re in pain. You may have a long wait under a general referral with the current backlogs. If there is any suspicion that there might be cancer, the 2 week pathway is a much quicker way to be seen, but I appreciate you say she’s not too concerned.

    Bloods and scans will help in putting the pieces of the jigsaw together to come up with a diagnosis. I can completely understand why you are concerned over this given what you’ve experienced in your own family-that’s a natural thought I think.

    Doctors always seem concerned about the possibility of addiction, but sometimes it’s necessary to increase the potency of pain relief to allow you to live comfortably while you wait. I was lucky with my consultant who moved from one drug to another to get my pain under control, which was so helpful. But even in hospital paracetamol has been the main pain relief I’ve been given. 

    I hope you don’t have too long to wait, and can cope with things, but I’d definitely go back and see the gp if you’re struggling. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yes, I may have to go back to her sooner rather than later, I knew at the time it wouldn't be a good idea to wait but being honest I'm dreading being scanned and examined because of the pain and I know I have to get it looked at. I don't want anyone down there atm lol or even touching my tummy! Plus I know the bladder scan is going to be an issue (I had one before,it was excruciating for me) as you have to drink lots off fluid beforehand, I'm not going to be able to hold it in (having incontinence problems) and the pain is bad when even a little amount is in my bladder. Will have to speak to somebody about that I guess. I think if the pain doesn't subside over the next few days I'll have to do something! Thanks again! Can I ask about your own story and how things are going for you now? xx

  • Hi  

    Gosh, I’m really sorry you are having so much pain-I know how debilitating that can be when it’s constant. It’s sounds like it’s going to be a real ordeal to have the bladder scan-is your gp aware how difficult that’s going to be for you? Perhaps the consultant can arrange another type of scan which won’t be so painful? 

    I understand the full bladder stuff completely! I’ve had to have a lot of treatment which involved having a full bladder and  have had more than a few accidents in my time! I always had to wear some sort of Tena type pad to every appointment. Even that wasn’t always successful. I no longer have a bladder so I don’t have the same issues. 

    You can read my story if you click on my name-I’m doing fine now all things considered, almost 5 years out from my original diagnosis, and am very grateful for brilliant surgeons. 

    I’d definitely be phoning up again if the pain doesn’t improve at all and try and get the gp to make the referral urgent if you can. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi there,

                   I've just read up on your story and jeez you have been through it! It has made me feel more positive about the outcome and I'm sure you will have helped many others, I thank you! I am panicking a little and although I'm having a not too bad day re pain and fatigue it is just not letting up and I can't figure it out. It took me the whole day yesterday just to wash up a sink off dishes! (I was determined to do something to help out lol!) I keep swaying between this is just a flare up of my fibromyalgia/FND, and the cyst maybe causing havoc in the urine department, to there's something really wrong, has this cyst come from somewhere else, am I going to get a shock diagnosis!  I dread having to go upstairs as I'm just so sore and getting up from sitting down. I used to love night time but now I feel a bit panicky as obvs everyone is asleep and I'm usually awake by myself with the pain!  I don't know about going back to the doctor again, even though she is nice, I've been gaslighted about my illnesses for so long...the last being my thyroid, nobody believed me until they flipped my scan and discovered a 3cm nodule pressing on my windpipe!! I had to beg them to look again! The one thing that is calming me down is that I haven't had any bleeding or discharge, there doesn't seem to be any sores or itchiness and most symptoms I see include those! And she thinks my foot It swelling is gout, she never said anything about the other ankle. Anyhow thanks for letting m me rant and I'm glad things aren't too bad for you atm xx

  • Hi  

    I was worried I might have scared you off with my own story so I’m glad to see you have posted again! It’s difficult sometimes to know whether it will frighten people or not, especially if they haven't had a cancer diagnosis themselves, but on the other hand I hope it offers encouragement to someone facing a recurrence, or even their first diagnosis to see what it’s possible to go through and come out smiling! (Well, I’m usually smiling!).

    I’m happy to listen to you rant any time! It’s good to be able to get things out of our heads I think and put them down in a post. I was away for a few hours from the site today listening to a podcast which went on longer than expected, but I try to check in here very regularly.

    Night times are the toughest times don’t you think? when we’re on our own and things are quiet. All sorts of things can creep into our minds if we aren’t careful! I used to listen to really calming sounds-the ocean or rain- on apps on my headphones which helped me calm my mind and help me get to sleep. Pain used to mean I was up a lot filling hot water bottles and making cups of tea! 

    It’s up to you of course about going back to the doctor, but I would just gently say that this is your health, your life and sometimes we really need to advocate for ourselves and keep pushing for answers. You deserve to be taken seriously, we all do. 

    I’m just very glad to see you back here and hope you’ll keep in touch. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Oh not scared off at all lol! The opposite, it has been so helpful!! And I appreciate the help even though I haven't been diagnosed with anything!! Not a great few days to be honest but in the positive, I've a pelvic ultrasound appointment next Tues! (Freaked as it was quite quick!) It's the full bladder thing that I was worried about but they seem to have changed it as you can come in earlier if you are worried about not being able to keep the bladder full. I'm also going to wear a tena!!  Decided to try and examine my cervix, can feel two tiny hard lumps side by side and almost like a bulge above. Not sure what that means as I've no idea what a normal one should feel like but I was very sore afterwards. I also have tenderness at my old bartolin cyst site but again who know's! I think I've got to the point where I'm going to have to stop worrying or I'm going to make myself ill!! I'm def going to push for gynae/urology if there's a long wait after this appointment as I really do need some relief for the pain and my mental health!!! Have stopped googling which might be a good thing!! Hope you are feeling well!! x