Very scared

  • 8 replies
  • 7 subscribers


I saw my GP this morning. Discovered a large lump yesterday which I was sure was a prolapse. It isn’t. She says it might be a cyst but put me on fast track cancer referral.

i have had so many weird blood tests recently and am already waiting for scans of my liver, spleen and kidneys. My imagination is all over the place now wondering what they’re going to find.

Life was just about to take a more positive turn for me in lots of ways and now I’m scared I’ve left all of it too late. And scared for my daughter. 

Just hoping someone can help me get a bit of perspective on things.

thank you 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I can feel the worry and fear in your words and believe me, I can empathise with that! 

    Our mInds  rush away with all sorts of thoughts, but  things are rarely as bad as we think they might be. You’re on a fast track referral, and that doesn’t mean it’s cancer- it just means that you will be seen sooner. That’s  honestly a positive as it means you'll get answers quicker.

    The waiting is a horrible time for us all, but I’d recommend taking a day at a time, and literally focusing on that. You don’t have any facts yet, so don’t imagine them…my philosophy was "it’s  not cancer till they say it is”.

    I hope you’ll come back and let us know how you get on, and if you are unfortunate enough to get a cancer diagnosis there is support for you here in the community.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you very much for replying. I’m feeling a bit calmer now. It was all quite a shock. 
    I will try to just focus on one day at a time x

  • Hi Josey1968

    Welcome to the group. I must say it's been absolutely invaluable to me just being able to talk with people going through similar experiences. Its really been helping me. Have you got any further with the results yet? 

  • Hello

    Thanks for asking. I have my first appointment on Wednesday 22nd. 
    I can’t believe is only 5 days since I saw the GP. It’s felt like a month!

    It may be wishful thinking but I think the lump is smaller than it was, which makes me think perhaps it is more likely to be a cyst. I hope so.

    i have also got some dates for other medical appointments I was waiting for, including removal of skin cancer on 28th, and it feels better to have those dates in the diary rather then just waiting aimlessly.

    I’m sorry for what you are going through too. I’m very glad these forums exist x

  • Ah thank you.  I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday and praying all goes well for you. Don't forget whatever the outcome we're all here for you xx

  • Just home from the hospital. Gynaecologist is certain enough that the lump is a cyst that he doesn’t want to risk taking it out (would need to have a general anaesthetic) but he says to give it some thought for a couple of weeks.
    Will decide when I’ve had some other tests/procedures I’m having at the moment. Feeling very relieved. 

    thank you again 

  • I'm so happy for you. You must be so relieved xx

  • Hi  

    Thanks for updating us-sounds like a good result for you for now. Things may be different once you’ve had the other tests you are having but at least your gynaecologist seems pretty certain this is a cyst.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm