TNBC and early pregnancy

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  • 27 subscribers

Found a lump on the 4th Jan, and was in on the 9th Jan having a mammogram and ultrasound with biopsy’s, found out the following day I was pregnant, so mri for following week had to be cancelled. Fast forward to today and found out I have TNBC… I feel like the ground has opened up beneath me. I’m so scared. 

  • Hey my daughter had this disgnosis a year ago she was breastfeeding her baby at first thought it was milk duct no such luck also when she was scanned also different cancer on other breast then our journey began. She had chemo then Red Devil chemo then surgery then radiotherapy then immune therapy   She has just been given all clear but what a year we have had and it’s so hard for her as she haddock a new born and a for year old but we made it my motto has been to her rest eat drink recover it snot been easy chemo was not as horrid as I thought it would be for her she was only in bed couple of days after treatment pottering about five days after that then start again we start3d eating healthy and researched what best to eat I bought her ginger chews to help her with the sickness but they actually made her worse she made me eat one and I also felt sick lol I really hope your cancer journey is as hers was hard but all went to plan she has missed a year with her kids really but we are making up for it this year hope you can too wishing you all the very verybextv

  • She also had the cold cap which was painful but that enabled her to keep her hair