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  • 28 subscribers

Hi diagnoses on 25th May, things are happening so quick, thank goodness the hospital has been incredible, shame I can’t say the same for my Doctors!!

  • Hello,

    Good luck with everything. 
    What do you need from your GP? 

    I have just started treatment for TNBC today…xx

  • Hi Myfight

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.

    Wishing you the best of luck with whatever comes next for you.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Myfight

    its a big blow this diagnosis isn’t it. Trying to get your head round & all the information they give you just doesn’t sink in. I’ve just started my 12 weeks of chemo & have to say mentally I feel better as now know what’s going on etc. physically ok so far but only started yesterday so any side effects not kicked in yet. 
    stay strong & talk about it. I have to say my BCN is brilliant. She even came down to chemo unit to chat before it started & she didn’t have to do that 

    wishing you all the best 

    take care x