Triple negative breast cancer

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  • 33 subscribers

Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with tnbc and had ct scan and full body bone scan which shows no spread. Then I had to have a pet scan.  Has anyone else had to have this after other scans were clear.

thank you.

  • Ah thank you. Honestly just ask any questions and I will help if I know the answers. 

  • You have done amazing.  You should be so proud of yourself.  

    oh I agree about the internet.

  • Amazing reading your posts. Going in for my biopsy results tomorrow to find out what I’m facing. Still just in shock and trying to hold it together. Very reassuring hearing your upbeat attitudes. Feel like I’m ready for the operation and radiotherapy but I’m really scared about chemo….. just worried about not being able to be “mum” anymore.

    oh dear. Bit tired and emotional! 

  • Bless you, just try to rest the best you can, even if you don't get much sleep...I know a Racing mind can make that difficult! Just know that this will all be much more doable than you realise. It's waaay too much to try and get your head round in one go... You'll crack up and there's no value to it because the facts are, a lot of the worries you have probably will not even apply to you. 

    One thing at a time.... No more than that... And you will get through it believe me. And for god's sake... Do NOT Google ANYTHING!! I made that mistake and did my head in, 99% of it massively outdated, Ill advised nonsense and what you learn very quickly is everyone's circumstances are SO individual, you can't just click and apply to all like the 10 year old stats do online Rolling eyes

    You are far from alone, I can tell you that. We are all here for you.

    Get those biopsy results out of the way tomorrow and we will all be here to lift you up afterwards.

    You've got this- remember who you are xx

  • Thankyou!! Such wise and reassuring words. Of course I have googled and frightened myself dreadfully!!

    trying to carry on as normal today as appointment not until later 

    any clues about what to expect?? Is it usually just a meeting at this point or am I likely to have to stay in for any tests?!

  • Anytime!! Well what have you done so far? Have you had any tests or conversations to this point? Xx

  • Mammogram - saw nothing much 

    CT - saw the lump

    biopsy done then

    Today is biopsy results - they have told me it’s basically breast cancer so today I hope I get all the information on type etc 

    no bloods or mri or anything else done 

  • Hi,

    from what I remember, they told me the grade of cancer and receptors.  Also wanted me to have a CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis plus a full bone scan.  Then they called me back for those results.

    you will be fine xx

  • How are you feeling this morning x

  • I agree with shorty13

    They will talk you through the plan to kick it's arse, whatever it is. 

    The should tell you what type it is i.e hormone receptive or TNBC and what grade it is (don't get that confused with stage... That's a different thing not for you to worry about) they will have all the ingredients from the biopsy to know what the little bugger is made of and they will have their cleverest doctors stirring up a big cauldron of the perfect treatment to get rid of it.

    The CT scan is detailed so they will know how big it is, where it is and talk you through the options. You SHOULD walk out of there with a much better understanding and more importantly a plan which will make you feel 100 times better than you do now.

    Good luck for today, dont panic and let us know how you get on. We are all behind you! Xx