Triple negative breast cancer

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  • 33 subscribers

Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with tnbc and had ct scan and full body bone scan which shows no spread. Then I had to have a pet scan.  Has anyone else had to have this after other scans were clear.

thank you.

  • Morning lovely, doing really well thanks , got a cup of tea on the go... No sicky feeling or anything . About to take my tablets to make sure it stays that way and MAY even treat my work colleagues a morning of me logging in from my front room to do some work! Poor sods! Rofl probably a good idea, takes my mind off it all and makes me feel a bit normal. Xx

  • So glad you are doing well.  It helps big time to keep busy.  Good that you can work from home too xx

  • Hi all

    so here’s what I was told today 

    it’s a invasive lobular breast cancer

    grade 2 (apparently all ilbc are)

    They still think early stage

    here’s a weirdness - they think it could have been there for 3-5years!

    it’s oestrogen reception they don’t know yet about herceptin / progesterone 

    MRI tomorrow

    probably lumpectomy within 4 weeks (that seems like a long time to wait??)

    then radiotherapy and hormone therapy.

    thats the current plan. But they have warned me that things can change - in particular the mri will tell them more as ilbc notoriously hard to spot and I’ll defined (don’t love that)

    don’t know how to feel. Just cancelled my family holiday. 

    numb. And weirdly exhausted.

    I’ll put this on another thread as not sure I’m welcome on this thread as it’s a slightly different sort to your guys. But I think you just are just fab so I might gate crash as we seem to be at similar stages

  • Not welcome on the thread!! As if!! RoflRoflRoflRofl

    Well, I got one can see some really positive points from that meeting! 

    • So grade 2, early stage ( and they are often right about this you know) we all have MRIs or further scans just to double check there's not another little  one hiding, but even if that's the case, doRoflnt necessarily change teh grafe and stuff, just another bit to get rid of.i know everything seems like aggges doesn't it?? I was like... I'm here now ... Hook me up to a machine and let's get going Rofl but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. What I have learned is that 4 weeks is actually nothing and if it's been there for as long as that ... It REALLY is nothing!! Also, because they know all about the little blighter from the biopsy, they will be confident that nothing will change in that time at all. So don't worry about that at all. Sorry about the holiday, I had to cancel mine too its a real bummer! Just means a bigger one when this shit show is over tho hehe! I'm feeling good about your meeting today, I think you're in a good spot there. You will realise that soon but you've had a lot to deal with today, go and put the kettle on and put your feel up, you deserve it. Always check in with us, don't get too bogged down in the BC type... We've all got lumps in our boobs ... Roflthink that's similar enough don't you?! Rofl well done for today- you smashed it xx
  • Ps... I don't know why all those laughing emojis are in my message at really inappropriate moments. I only meant a couple of them, didn't do it on purpose! Confounded

    • Malbec are you a life coach in real life - you are just brilliant!! I think your approach is just spot on!

    how are you all doing today?? 

    I was thinking of giving up alcohol but I feel like I might need a glass tonight……

  • Hahaha, I don't know how well id do as a life coach C22, most of my "meetings" would be down the pub and I don't know if that's such a good look to be honest (hehe) 

    I'm noone special mate, I'm just a bit of a fixer and in "real life" I try to just squash things quickly and laugh through it and because I'm probably a bit of a bossy boots... For some reason I think I've got to make everyone else see it the same way. Don't be fooled though, given the current situation we find ourselves in, I'm not always like this. It's a rare occasion where I cant talk my way out of it or negotiate and I'm not in control, which..... Is not my strong suit I can tell you!! The other day I said to my partner, yeah we should go to the coast for the day, nice change of scenery,take the dog. He said that would be lovely, I'm just mindful of how you feel though being so far away from home. You might feel poorly and tired and I don't want you to be too far from home really. So my response was to immediately burst into tears " I hate being vulnerable! Who even am I now? Sob" I mean... That sort of stuff happens here and there and I'm NOT a fan of it but it is what it is. Don't want to seem like this upbeat fraud cos I'm only human too. Ooohhh I'd love a glass of wine!RoflMalbec is my tipple as you might have figured out. Go on girl, pour yourself a glass, you deserve it. I've been working from my front room today. I'm a sales manager for like a stately home that does big conferences and weddings. So a lot of negotiating and closing deals and stuff. Didn't know if I could manage it today after chemo yesterday, but I managed to close a 40k bit of business before shuffling to the sofa for a nana nap to get over it RoflRofl Jesus!! Who even am I now. Still, keeps the pennies rolling in for a bit and I've got my eye on some wigs that Beyonce would want so I'm going to need the cash!! Hehe Xx

  • Heres me in my cold cap yesterday listening to Ricky Gervais to take my mind if the HELL of it! What and attractive package!! RoflRofl

  • How are you finding the cold cap xx

  • Bloody cold Shorty!! Rofl I can handle it though but it's not lovely xx