29, stage 2 triple negative, single

  • 22 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all,

I’ve been diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. I’ve not completed all my tests and been given my treatment plan. It’s looking like 6 months chemo, then surgery. 

I am 29, single, live with a friend in the city centre and until a few weeks ago was pretty much living a happy independent life. Im really healthy, slim, eat well, exercise and don’t even drink or smoke! - living a very wholesome life. I’ve now been faced with huge decisions and what seems like my life actually on pause. My identity, my future of family/a partner seems to of been striped away as nobody will want me. I’ve been through some really difficult times in my life already (previous health diagnosis, parent passing away, mental health decline) but I think this is the worse. I’m terrified mostly of my hair falling out and loosing my identity - everyone will see me as the girl who got cancer. 

I’m about to start the process for egg freezing which is bizarre considering I’m single and not thought of kids or even have a partner, but I want to do it for the future me. 

if anyone can offer and support or advice on how to get through this I’d really appreciate it - similar cases or not.

being so young is so difficult but I really hope I can get through this. I do have a great family and friends but I’ve gone from being very independent to now not even wanting to be alone and it’s not even started yet. 

thank you x 

  • evening bumble bug,

    Really glad to hear that your first session went well and you was looked after Two hearts

    When is your next session? Were you able to take a family friend with you?

    I’m okay today I went for a heart scan. I presume this is for my chemo treatment, other than that still waiting for my oncologist appointment.

  • Hey sunflower,

    • it was a surprisingly relaxing experience once I’d got my bearings and used to all the equipment everywhere. I’m sure there will be some weeks it doesn’t feel so relaxing but for now I’m happy with how it seems to be going. 
      my next one is on Monday and then every Monday after that for 15 weeks and they did let me have my fiancée with me for the whole session. They did say that unless I felt like I really needed him in the future, it would be better to come alone (purely for space and privacy reasons I think) but I’m sure they would let you have somebody each time if it calmed you and made your experience better <3
    • how did your heart scan go? Did they give you any results there and then? The waiting is the worst bit I find. Hopefully this scan will be one of the last things they need to do to get the ball rolling with your chemo plan xx