29, stage 2 triple negative, single

  • 22 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi all,

I’ve been diagnosed with stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. I’ve not completed all my tests and been given my treatment plan. It’s looking like 6 months chemo, then surgery. 

I am 29, single, live with a friend in the city centre and until a few weeks ago was pretty much living a happy independent life. Im really healthy, slim, eat well, exercise and don’t even drink or smoke! - living a very wholesome life. I’ve now been faced with huge decisions and what seems like my life actually on pause. My identity, my future of family/a partner seems to of been striped away as nobody will want me. I’ve been through some really difficult times in my life already (previous health diagnosis, parent passing away, mental health decline) but I think this is the worse. I’m terrified mostly of my hair falling out and loosing my identity - everyone will see me as the girl who got cancer. 

I’m about to start the process for egg freezing which is bizarre considering I’m single and not thought of kids or even have a partner, but I want to do it for the future me. 

if anyone can offer and support or advice on how to get through this I’d really appreciate it - similar cases or not.

being so young is so difficult but I really hope I can get through this. I do have a great family and friends but I’ve gone from being very independent to now not even wanting to be alone and it’s not even started yet. 

thank you x 

  • I hope tomorrow goes okay. I will be thinking about you. How come you opted for a picc line or wasn’t it an option? I’m not that far in at the moment. I know what you mean, at least it’s the start of the end in some ways. Get the chapter going so then it can end. 

    Yes more tests/procedure's to come in on day 4 of 17 of my injections for the fertility stuff because of my age. Finding it difficult but it will be worth it as I’m so young and may want children in the future. I will be having more tests for that, and a procedure to collect eggs and then my scan for my heart for chemo. And appointments for that to come too! Xx

  • Hi, I was diagnosed in March and started chemo and immunotherapy.  i have 12 weeks of chemo once a week and immuno once every 3 weeks and then change to a different type of chemo for 4 months.  I have also been told invasive triple negative.  I am now into my 3rd week of Chemo.  I had noticed an enlarged lymph node under my arm.  Sounds like we were both fortunate to notice it.

    Just a week now until your chemo and immunotherapy starts then?

  • Hi Bumble Bug,

    I am 3 weeks in and thankfully i haven't been as bad as i expected.  I have a picc line in so that seems to be easier.  What hospital is your treatment in?  I have found them extremely good in BCH.  I went for a short cut a few weeks ago and I am glad i did as i wanted to be in control rather than large amounts falling out so similar thoughts to you.  I have also been trying to keep my head straight and body calm to support with the chemo...maybe a mindset thing but i feel it has helped.

    Good luck for starting your treatment tomorrow

  • Hi,

    Yes i am on approx 7 months of chemo and immunotherapy.  12 weekly sessions followed by 4 months approx of  3 weekly sessions.

    Things have been okay so far even through i was very nervous.  It is scary  but you are right, we willl get through this!

  • Hi Altogether 

    I have an appointment tomorrow at the breast clinic, I think that is for MRI results ..

    then Friday 10th I'm back for a heart scan, consent form etc,  I think ..

    then on the 14th a Picc line and then on the 15th, my first chemotherapy etc  ... 24 weeks in all, so I'm told...

    Be nice to all keep in touch while facing this journey of ours ... Are we allowed to say where we are from? 


  • Hi, 

    heart scan is fine, I was anxious about it but just like an ultrasound. I also was anxious about picc line but they were great and again I had over thought it and much easier now it’s in.

    absolutely nice to stay in touch. I am actually unsure if we are or not, never even thought.

  • There are just so many appointments and procedures aren’t there? Seems never ending. 17 injections does not sound fun, bless you. My issues with needles is mostly why I chose to have a picc line - because I’m having chemo every week for so long and they need to take bloods every few days before chemo, I figured my needle anxiety would just be through the roof constantly. With the picc line they can take bloods and give medication without any more sharp scratches. They did give me the choice but advised strongly to go for the picc.


  • So glad it’s going well for you so far, that’s great :) really hoping that chemo goes smoothly for me too - I’m a bit worried about the nausea and how much it might impact my day to day life but apparently the anti sickness tablets they offer are pretty good, did you need to take them at all? 

  • I’m not sure if we’re allowed to say…. Shall we try it and see?

    also, absolutely would love to keep in touch with you all - we’ve all got this! And knowing we’re not alone is really going to help :) 


  • Hey everyone, just checking in on how you’re all getting on <3 
    I had my first chemo session on Tuesday and it actually wasn’t too bad at all - was in for about 6 and a half hours and was very well looked after. I haven’t felt any sickness or anything so far, just a little tired but otherwise fine.

    hope you’re all doing okay xx