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  • 29 subscribers

im new to this. 

I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer June 2021. I had an Operation, Chemo & Radiotherapy which finished February 2022. 

I thought by now I would be feeling better but in all honesty I’m not.

im not good at talking face to face but don’t mind texting or messaging. 

I seem to have a lot of issues at the moment

  • Hi,

    I just wanted to send a little message to say hi and I'm about if you need anything, my cancers weren't triple neg but I've had recurrence, surgeries, chemo (currently) and radiotherapy so if I can help or just be an ear please let me know :) 

    Big smiles Relaxed

  • Hi Roxy 

    I understand what you’re going through I was diagnosed with TNBC March 23 had surgery , chemo , surgery then Radio . I’m just waiting for bone infusions !! I have to say I’m not the same person I’m anxious scared of it returning. I’m tired I ache all over trying to walk everyday to keep fit.sending you a big hug x

  • Hiya. I also have TNBC and am going through the radiotherapy stage with more immunotherapy and chemo to come. I've heard from so many people that the phase after treatment has been the hardest for them. Your body and mind have been through such a lot (regardless of how long ago it was) and I think that we can normalise it at the time because all the invasive treatment becomes run-of-the-mill. I've found myself burying how I feel but more recently I've been able to talk to others who are in the same situation as me (at a very base level initially) and I don't feel as alone anymore. My local cancer support centre has been amazing and it might be worth contacting them and letting them know that you're struggling to see if they can help in any way. The online Macmillan chat is great too if you prefer to message. I've used that loads! Little steps!

    Sending lots of positive vibes your way xx

  • Hi  

    I’m just coming to the end of my treatment since being diagnosed in May 23. I feel numb and not able to celebrate as everyone around me seems to want to do. I’m so scared it’s going to come back and so scared it’s not all gone (never had a full body scan). 

    I found this article in one of the other groups I’m in and it summed it up nicely. The trauma we’ve been through/are going through is huge. 


    I’m hoping with time I learn to cope with the trauma. Heading back to work soon which should help me feel more normal I’m hoping.