New diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I was diagnosed on Wednesday with Grade 3

 Awaiting MRI scan and going back Wednesday this week to discuss treatment and to see if it os anywhere else

Emotional is an understatement. I think I'm in shock

  • Hi, if it helps I’m in the exact same boat. I was diagnosed on 10th Nov with grade 3 and cells in lymph node. I had to wait 1 week for the scan results to see if it had spread and it was the scariest week of my life. Once I got the treatment plan from my doctor I felt so much better and hope you will too - you can then focus on the path forward. I’m starting chemo on 4th Dec so they really are quick to get the ball rolling. Sending you a big virtual hug, and if you ever want to talk please reach out x 

  • So much to think about but it's helpful to know others understand the fear. I have oncology appointment Wednesday. I think I'll feel 'better" when I've had an MRI. Still waiting on that date.

    Thank you x

  • Yes fingers crossed it comes back that everywhere else is clear and you can get on with beating this. Wishing you all the best x 

  • I was diagnosed 1 November with grade3 invasive ductal tnbc. Spent whole month having tests and waiting. Appointment on Wednesday to finally get all results. Not sure if I’m scared or relieved to finally get some news and hopefully a treatment plan. I fully understand anyone frustration. All we can do is hope for the best and stay strong ( although people telling me to do that all the time is frustrating). Good luck with your ongoing treatment 

  • Hello Alis,

    I'm sorry about your diagnosis, I was just diagnosed last week and I'm in that hellish limbo period where I'm getting scans after scans as some have shown unclear. I'm hoping it's the waiting thats the worst thing about this.

    How are you getting on now? I hope you've started treatment and are on the road to full recovery x