Triple Negative Breast Cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi, I have just joined this group.

I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer on 23 May 2022.

It was grade 3 due to the aggressiveness.

I had chemotherapy first which I finally finished in December.

I had surgery in January and last week I finished 2 weeks of radiotherapy 

I will be going onto chemo pills for 6 months, this is to to help prevent it from coming back and I will also have infusions every 6 months to strengthen the bone.

I was not aware of the last 2 treatments but I think they do not want to overwhelm us when being diagnosed.

I am happy to answer any questions on treatment I had during the last 11 months.

I had delays on chemotherapy due to low blood count, I also had shingles which delayed me and Covid, all delaying chemotherapy.

I also had the injections after every chemo to help with the low blood count.

  • That’s kind to offer your insights at this stage of your journey. 

    I was diagnosed with triple negative grade 3 in December 2022. I started chemo on Feb and have had three cycles of EC (one week delayed by a week due to liver count). On April 25th I will start 9 weeks old paclitaxel with carboplatin  every 2 or 3 weeks ( cant remember). Then it will be surgery (genetic testing dependent on what surgery) and then radiotherapy if lumpectomy I guess. There has been no mention of the other 2 treatments you mentioned as of yet.

    I haven’t had the injections to help with blood count - my blood count was low before last infusion but then came back up. Im thinking I will need them for the next round but I’m worried about the side effects. I’m also concerned about the neuropathy with the paclitaxel as I already had neuropathy in my foot.

    I’m sorry you had shingles during your treatment - as if you didn’t have enough to deal with! 

    Did you manage to get away and do nice things at all during your treatment ? I see you were 11 months  or so from diagnosis to being off active treatment. I’m hoping to go to see my son in China in December time but I can see that’s quite a tall ask - especially as I will probably have delays along the way.

    I hope you are feeling well now. Any top tips very welcome!! I’m mostly staying positive on this ride but the feeling of ‘life on hold’ is not always easy.

    Jan x

  • Hi Jan,

    Just to put your mind at rest with travelling, I finished my last chemo on 8 December 2022 and was on a plane to Florida on 14 December.

    My husband is still there working snd we had not seen each other since October.

    My first 4 chemo sessions were every 2 weeks and then the next 12 were every week. The every week obes are hard as this is when the blood count drops and has no time to recover for blood tests..

    My blood tests and PICC line flush was on a Monday and chemo on a Thursday.

    I flew back from Florida on Christmas day and had my lumpectomy on 12 January and home same day.

    I ended up 6 weeks behind schedule on finishing chemotherapy.

    The good news is your oncologist always has a plan when things go wrong. I also had to have the the chemo reduced from 460 mil to 390 mil has my kidneys reading was too low.

    I was healthy and continue to be since day 1 of diagnosis. I was never sick or ill with the chemotherapy, I was very lucky.

    The best advice I could give anyone just starting out is, never compare yourself to anyone else going through the same, even ladies with triple negative as we are all different. Comparing can scare you when others having same cancer as you but slightly different treatment.

    Happy to help, I know how scary the thoughts are all have in those dark moments.


  • Thanks so much Carole - that’s all really good to hear!

    I have been really well overall with the EC - just a bit tired and one throat ulcer. I have even kept my hair! (Cold capping) but the weekly slog coming is on my mind I can’t deny.

    So good to hear you were on a plane though and doing things you wanted to do - I really want to work towards this goal of seeing my son and his girlfriend in China later in the year - we were meant to meet in Thailand this month so am already accepting that we have had to go to plan B.

    Off out in sunshine for walk with doggy now - your positive message has started my day so much better than how I felt when I first opened my eyes.



  • Hi Jan,

    I hope you stay well throughout and if you have a low blood count and chemotherapy is delayed do not beat yourself up.

    I thought I was the only one and then you realise that each week quite a few are in the same boat.

    I lost all my hair after the second chemotherapy and my eyelashes and eyebrows went after my very last chemotherapy which seemed weird. 

    After 6 days of completing chemotherapy I already had a complete head covering and it does grow back very quickly.

    Well done on the cold cap, it worked for quite a few ladies and I know it is not easy.

    Please feel free to message me anytime if you need a chat or have any questions.
