Partial Hello, Tiny lump picked up by mammogram very small, very early.

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All good.mastectomy mid March, good margins and clear sentinel nodes. Breast surgeon says its as good as can be, but hands me referrals to oncologist and radiologist, who of course Iwill call in to see them as a courtesy but won't be wasting their precious time cos all is good in my world.  Also referred to genetic testing for my daughters sake....or so I thought.

I did see thr oncologist, amazing woman, but it still took her 2 appointments to get it through my thick head that this wasn't the end of the story. I simimply did not grasp the aggressive behavior  of this disease if I did not enter chemo radiation or double mastectomy. and probably ovaries too. I was concerned about the faulty gene for my daughters, overlooking I was the middleman.

2 rounds of AC chemo, first one floored me for 9 out of the 14 days and round 2 now day 1 and I feel alright. So either I have adjusted or I have yet to hit the wall this time around yet. 6 more rounds of AC then 5 rounds of Taxal which I have been told is more gentle. I have lots of support from family and friends and neighbours and my biggest problem is avoiding covid.

Ladies I take my hat off, or beanie off or scarf off to you all. This is not something you can sidestep or squeeze passed. This is right up in your face. Your are warriors ladies.