Hello I'm 57 recent diagnosis of triple neg

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Hello I'm 57 recent triple neg diagnosis, lumpectomy & removal of 2/3 lymph nodes (precaution) booked for 2 Dec. probable chemo & radio to follow, which I am dreading more than the op. I have breast implants & wondered if anyone else in my shoes?

  • Hi Rise333

    Welcome to,the forum and sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. While I won’t say chemo is easy it is doable. Your medical team will do everything in their power to make sure you get better and that you have few side effects. You will be given a phone number so you can contact your oncology tram if you find the any possible side effects.  I don’t have breast implants so I can’t offer any advice about them. I noticed that you are also a member of the breast cancer forum, so maybe you can pose your question in that forum and you will hopefully get an answer as it’s a busier forum then this one.

    I was diagnosed with triple negative last year and after having chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I’m now cancer free.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery and any other treatment you are given by your medical team.

    Best wishes


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  • hello Daisy

    thank you very much for your message. It really is a help to hear from other people. Yous is particularly positive, so glad to hear you are past treatment & cancer free. What a wonderful phrase that is! I look forward to getting on with it and getting over it! I'm just so grateful there is a treatment plan in place. Will be glad post surgery to confirm it isn't in any lymph nodes, no indication of it fortunately. Trying to take it one step at a time but my mind races ahead! Medical team have been brilliant & available to answer questions outside of appointments.

    My GP signed me off so I can get my head together, this morning work have asked for my home equipment back which made me feel very unsettled, they need to cover my job while I'm absent, I get it.

    Enjoy the autumn sunshine. I'm off for a walk.

    Thanks again

  • Hi Rose, sorry you’ve been diagnosed but just wanted to offer my support because I’ve been where you are now and it’s pretty bad but it does get a whole lot better after surgery, the relief to be finally rid of ‘it’ was immense.
    I found the waiting so hard to deal with because I had time to overthink everything and I did!!   In hindsight I would now believe more in what I had been told by the doctors and relax a bit more too as they were right but I hardly dared believe them!
    I had a lumpectomy a few weeks ago with SNLB and it was a huge mental boost. I’m sure you’ll feel a whole lot better after the operation, which was virtually pain free for me, and home the same day. 
    Very grateful for the fantastic surgeon and his team and I’m sure you’ll feel very safe and cared for too.  
    My lymph nodes and margins were clear and I now have to have chemo as a precaution and radiotherapy afterwards but six sessions only which I’m hoping is doable.  I’m just a bit in front of you but so far so good. Wishing you all the very best  xx

  • Hello So nice of you to write.It's good to hear from other people. The operation I can deal, I like practical stuff! But the chemo I am dreading. But one step at a time. I am trying to focus on the moment. It's the shock I think at first. I was very angry.I now want the operation to come and get this gremlin out of my body. It's holding my life up!

    You put SNLB what is that please?

    I feel very confident with the team I have seen. That makes such a difference.

    My GP has signed me off work so I'm going to take advantage of the sunshine & get out for a walk.

    Take care x

  • Yes you’re right, one step at a time.  I know what you mean regarding the shock.  One minute we were looking forward to moving to countryside and changing our lifestyle and then completely knocked for six.  It’s devastating but it does get better.  
    I am dreading chemo too, side effects seem to vary so much from person to person so don’t really know what to expect but I have been strongly advised to have it as a precaution to stop it coming back.  
    SNLB (sentinel node lymph biopsy). I don’t know whether that means they removed them during op to do biopsy or did a biopsy without removing them because if they did then I would have expected to have another scar but just had a bit of bruising and soreness/burning sensation.

    I see oncologist on 25th so will find out more then and hoping to get a start date so I can plan Christmas which might not be a barrel of laughs this year!  X

    Enjoy your walk in the sun.  I have to mow the lawn.  Just trying to psyche myself up to start!  X

  • Hi Rose333

    I am also 57 and am triple neg, had my lumpectomy and SLNB on the 11th Nov, am getting my results tomorrow and am also dreading the treatment, it’s the unknown that is so scary. Op went well but still a bit sore. Hope all goes well on the 2nd.

    best wishes 


  • Hello Wobbly1 :) Thank you for your message. We have had a week away before my surgery. Did us the world of good to have a change of scene. It's a bit ground hog day otherwise. How have you got on today with the consultant? Did they explain if nodes were taken? I am expecting to have the first two nodes removed for biopsy, it was explained to me like a ladder, if it doesn't show up in the first two nodes it won't have reached further. My scan did not indicate any rouge gremlins in my nodes. Trying to remain calm & not over think. Todays slogan is "Better days ahead"

    Take care x

  • Hello Tanyabg Thank you for your message. How are you doing? It's good to hear from someone who is a step ahead of me. Glad to hear you are on the mend from op on 11th, that sounds encouraging. Keep in touch x

  • Hi Rose333

    Got my results from op yesterday and all good, clear margin and none found in sentinel node, such a weight off my mind. Can now focus on a relaxing Xmas and preparing for chemo and radiotherapy in the new year. Just try and take it easy before your op and stay positive. I know it’s not easy! Sending a big hug xx 

  • Hi Rose glad your scan was clear, I know what a huge relief it is to hear that news!! My appointment went ok today with oncologist. I’m having 3 x EC every 3 weeks and then Paclitaxel every week for three weeks so I should be finished sooner than I thought with a bit of luck.  I’m going to try cold cap but I’m not good with a couple of minutes brain freeze so don’t think I’ll be able to cope with a couple of hours.  
    I asked twice if SNLB meant nodes were removed to be biopsied but still didn’t get to the bottom of that one so gave up! 
    Good luck for the 2nd, not long now x