Diagnosed yesterday with triple negative breast cancer

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  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone

im scared, I can’t eat, can’t sleep, my world has been turned upside down, they said it’s treatable and because my growth is 3.5cm I will have chemo first then surgery if it shrinks, they said on ultrasound it isn’t looking like it’s in my lymph nodes, I’m shaking from head to toe, I’m a single mum and panicking, please please give me positive vibes.

lots of love Nicola 

  • Hi there 

    I’m having it fitted on Friday morning - my 2nd chemo is if the afternoon, I will report back x

  • Hi everyone ...

    Just had my F2F today .. MRI halfway results are in .... Cancer has shrunk from 33mm down to 9mm and my lymph node looks normal again Blush

    I start on EC on Thursday for 4 cycles plus continuing my immunotherapy ... Hoping all goes well as I did not really have any side effects from Carboplatin, or Nab-Paclitaxel... Only the Pembrolizumab is playing games with my thyroid by sending it up and down apparently.

    So hoping all you newbies to this unwanted journey of ours, gets some hope and faith that things can get sorted Grin

    Love and hugs to you all 


  • Hi  

    Fabulous news!! Well done! You must the so pleased and it'll give you strength to carry on. That's so positive.

    I had a 6 weeks scan- so 6 weeks behind you. My bigger tumour had shrunk from 3.1 to 20mm. Fingers crossed it keeps responding. 

    Can you report back how EC is relatively once you've had it? 

    How are you celebrating??

    Clare xx

  • Oops I mean 31mm to 20mm

  • Hi 

    Yes I will let you know how EC goes .. my Oncologist said today that it will make you nauseous... You have anti sickness tablets to take, a hour before your treatment with something to eat.

    I bought today's lunch for my family and grandkids to celebrate Rofl.

  • Hi Basket

    A day to remember!! That's a lovely idea to treat everyone. Xx

  • Delighted to hear that your chemo has made your tumour smaller. 

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Dixydot. 

    We have a similar story. My tumour was sitting for 12 weeks before I had a referral, hospital had a whole new system software installed a short time after I went to my gp! 

    Anyway my lump was 22mm x14mm gp estimated max 25mm so my lump didn't grow or spread in that time. 

    I was diagnosed on 8th Feb and started Chemo 13th march. I didn't have immunotherapy as it wasn't recommended, too many possible health conditions which are hereditary may arise. Risk outweighed benefit really.

    Original plan 3 EC 3 weekly cycles 9 Pax/Carb weekly. My tumour shrunk over half on EC so I was given a 4th as i responded well, had minimal side effects so was coping well on this chemo. 

    I then moved to pax/carb weekly, I had an mri scan on the 7th cycle which I got the results on tuesday this week. My tumour has been obliterated I could only see the marker (clip) which was inserted at the start. My final treatment is next week. Full story will be known once in have surgery to take away the tissue at the tumour site. I'm hoping as always for the best.  

    I do recommend trying cold therapy for hands and feet for Paxlitaxol infusion, this reduces the risk of peripheral neuropathy. It has really worked for me, I get slight tingle at night on my feet which started last week. I have no symptoms in my hands. I bought my ice packs on amazon brand suzi med, I popped them in the freezer and took them out the day of chemo. I also used ice blocks to keep them frozen in a cool bag. It does feel like you have your feet in snow while wearing them, so wear a thin pair of socks. Hands are more bearable. 

    I only had one set back which was a horrendous tooth abcess so needed a tooth pulled and 2 week deferral on treatment to heal. I then reacted to pax once my treatment got started again, all the antibiotics think caused it. However despite minor delays I still got excellent results. 

    I hope my story gives you reassurance and hope. Time flies on weekly chemo. Last 5 and half months have gone in the blink of an eye. If you have any questions give me a shout. 

    I live in Northern Ireland. Also there is a wonderful group on Facebook full of TNBC ladies currently going through treatment and survivors who are many years out. I have learnt so much about side effects, info and advice from them plus great support. Triple negative breast cancer UK and Ireland (TNBC) support. 

    Good luck on your journey xx

  • Hi

    My treatment is the other way round with immunotherapy included .. I had a bad reaction to Paclitaxel on my 3rd infusion and was changed to Abraxane.

    My MRI has shown a shrinkage from 33mm down to 9mm at my halfway point... And my lymph node was said to be showing normal again.

    Now I'm on EC as from yesterday, I was tired when I got home, but full of beans today and only took one anti sickness tablet this morning.

    So, fingers crossed and touch wood, I can get through this last hurdle before surgery.

    Allison xx

  • Hi Nicola 

    I was just checking how have you been with your chemo.

    My treatment plan is chemo, lupectomy, radiotherapy. 

    I have had 12 weeks of paxitaxel and  paxitaxel and carboplatin every 3 weeks. I am now on EC which I have had just 1 session and I found it really difficult. I spoke to the BC nurse and she said it sounds like the dose needs to be reduced abit. I have a telephone appointment with consultant and will mention to him too. So hopefully when I go for my next chemo then dose will be reduced. 

    My symptoms were really awful my heartbeat was really fast couldn't walk my legs were very shaky the fatigue and tiredness was to the next level. It's the 9th day today and I am feeling abit okish. 

    When I was on paxitaxel and carboplatin my symptoms weren't too bad to be honest but with the EC it's not been too good. I have 3 more sessions of the EC pray they go ok.
