Diagnosed yesterday with triple negative breast cancer

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  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone

im scared, I can’t eat, can’t sleep, my world has been turned upside down, they said it’s treatable and because my growth is 3.5cm I will have chemo first then surgery if it shrinks, they said on ultrasound it isn’t looking like it’s in my lymph nodes, I’m shaking from head to toe, I’m a single mum and panicking, please please give me positive vibes.

lots of love Nicola 

  • Hi Dixydot

    So sorry to hear that, but welcome to the group, it’s been such a comfort to me and everyone is lovely ! 
    Im the same just want to get started and know it’s evening zapped ! Can you still start chemo Friday if they have changed your port day ? 
    sending love 

    Nicola xxx

  • It’s nice to be know there are people  going through the same xYes for this week I’m able to have a normal cannula - the ports being fitted next Friday morning and my 2nd chemo is at later that afternoon x

  • Ah brilliant at least it’s not delaying your treatment, sending lots of love and positive vibes to you xxx

  • Hi Dixydot

    I've got a PICC line but I was wondering about a port for my post surgery immunotherapy. Please let us know how you find it. A lot of long term patients have them in my hospital but they don't offer them as standard. 

    I was told I could have one for my chemo but it would delay treatment. It's great that your chemo is going ahead regardless of a port!! 

    Best of luck for this journey!!

    Clare xx

  • Hi   I had a port fitted in May 22 before I started chemo for my primary cancer. I didn’t want a PICC as I like to swim. I found I had secondary cancer before I finished that course of treatment, so became very grateful I had got it as I ended up having immunotherapy and more chemo. I am currently in remission and not having any treatment but have hung onto it, it just needs flushing every 4-6 weeks. It’s never given me any trouble. 

  • Thank you,  . That's really helpful. I'm sorry to hear you have secondary bc. I hope you can be in remission again soon. 

    Clare xx

  • I am in remission at the moment. i had to stop treatment with immunotherapy (Pembrolizumab) last September as I had a major immunotherapy related adverse event with kidney, thyroid and lung damage. It also more or less wiped out the mets in my liver, thank goodness. An ablation cleared up the residue. So apart from the ablation I had in February I have not had any cancer treatment since September. I did need 9 months of high dose steroids to save my kidneys etc and have been left with a lot of consequences from that. Better than the alternative though! 

    Insufficiently confident in the durability of the remission to have the port taken out, as if/when the cancer comes back, I will probably go on Trodelvy. 

  • Hi    Sending positive vibes. I unfortunately have stage 4 TNBC but have been living with it for over 2 and a half years and am currently in remission. There are far more treatments around these days with lots of people doing well. Wishing you all the best. 

  • Ah thank you. Sending positive vibes back to you too, there are lots of advanced treatments and we are so lucky to be able to have them when we need them. 
    so you don’t have any treatment now at all ? Xx

  • Hi   No, I don’t need any treatment at the moment as I am in complete remission. There is of course always the concern it will come back.