First Infusion

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi, I’m new on here and not quite sure if I’m doing this right, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in April, it was caught early and luckily completely removed in May. I have just started 6 cycles of chemotherapy, first infusion on Friday and i have been so poorly, didn't realise how bad it would be, i’m a single parent and my daughter who is 22 is on holidays, she didn't want to go, but its just for a week and not knowing how hard this would be i got what i thought would be all set up ready to do it alone but i have struggled enormously and have been feeling that i cant put myself through this another 5 times! It’s now day 5 after infusion and I am starting to feel a little better but very emotional. My symptoms have been very bad, I have felt like I’m on fire at times, very nauseous, acid, fatigue, very sore legs and even nightmares, every morning I awake feeling like I have been run over by a bus! anybody else’s experience similar, I feel that maybe my dosage was too high, I wore the cold cap and right now I don’t even care about my hair and would be happy to shave it all off! Looking for some advice on ways to cope better, any tips, anything! xx

  • Hi PixieT72

    Welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and that you have been so poorly after your first infusion.  I suggest that you give your chemo nurse a ring and explain about the symptoms you have been experiencing and they may reduce your dose for the next one.

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi  are you seeing your oncologist before your next treatment? They may adjust the dosage. If you aren’t then I would contact them via their secretary. My dosage was reduced slightly when on EC. 
    With regards to your symptoms, ask your GP for something for the acid. Did the hospital give you anti sickness tablets? Take them they really help. I can only say try and rest as much as you can. I tried to carry on as normal when I moved onto EC and honestly it floored me. Take care x

  • Thank you Daisy53, I will speak with one of my nurses, thank you for taxing the time to read my post. P xx

  • Hi WhatNext, 

    I don’t seem to ever actually see my oncologist but usually one of her team and I have various nurses that I can ring, now I’m out of the black hole I will give them a call and see if they can adjust my dosage, I didn’t realise this could be an option, I do have various medications but I think I did forget to take them sometimes as I was on my own a lot, but won’t be doing that again! Thank you for your advice and I hope you are doing good now, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post.

    best wishes

    P xx

  • Hi  

    not sure what treatment you are on but my first round of treatment I can say was my worst. I now on round 6 (I’m on weekly treatment) and it hasn’t been as bad the further 5 rounds, manageable anyway. As others have said I would speak to your oncology team.

    when you say 6 cycles, how many weeks do you have? 

    I made the decision not to cold cap, very much personal choice for us all, I just didn’t want added time in the hospital and also with the amount of treatment I’m having I suspect I would lose it anyway. 

    fingers crossed for you and take care. 

  • Hi Gwen118

    i am on EC1 for my first 3 cycles on a 21 day cycle for each, apparently the EC1 is nicknamed the “Red Devil”!, then I will have another 3 cycles of weekly infusions which consist of 3 weeks each cycle, so a further 9 weeks, hope that all makes sense? So like you say I am hoping the weekly ones are better managed Fingers crossed I did wear the cold cap but to be honest like you say after my painful experience I think I’ll ditch that as I don’t think I’ll stick to it anyway for the whole time so I’m going to loose my hair anyway, plus it will definitely thin and I can’t dye it! It’s only temporary it will return! I will definitely have a chat with my team and see if there is anything that can change to make the next one a bit easier, thank you for your message and I hope all goes well for you and take care xx