Diagnosed yesterday with triple negative breast cancer

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Hi everyone

im scared, I can’t eat, can’t sleep, my world has been turned upside down, they said it’s treatable and because my growth is 3.5cm I will have chemo first then surgery if it shrinks, they said on ultrasound it isn’t looking like it’s in my lymph nodes, I’m shaking from head to toe, I’m a single mum and panicking, please please give me positive vibes.

lots of love Nicola 

  • Hi Nicola,

    sorry for the late reply. I hope you’re okay and a bit more settled now you’ve got your appointment through? 

    the first appointment is a lot of information so I would suggest you take someone with you if you can. Or ask if you can record? Or write things down? 

    oncologist will sort picc line out. I think they send the referral through, then someone will contact you. 

    it is Rosemere at Preston and they are fab! I had my picc line fitted there. I also have district nurses coming every week to clean picc line (flush) and change dressing. 

    I attend weekly for Paclitaxel, have Carboplatin every 3 weeks. And a decision will be made tomorrow if I am to begin pembro again (immunotherapy). 

    the infusions are about an hour each, however I am cold capping too which adds quite a few hours on. For example, I went in for half 11 Monday and I got home for 3pm. This Monday coming will be longer because I will have the 2 chemos and potential immuno.

    when you begin, it becomes a new ‘routine’. 

    Feel free to message me privately if you wish but I hope you’re okay!xx

  • Hi missy

    ahh thank you for that. I’ve requested your friendship so we chat more.

    aww glad it’s going well at Rosemere, ill be thinking of you on Monday.

    Im nervous for my appointment as I feel everyone is being cagey but I might be being paranoid.

    Im going to ask him to do my referral for the picc at preston in interventional radiology where I work. I’ll send you a pic if you ever see about around and say hi ! 
    is missy your real name ? You don’t have to disclose if you don’t want xxx

  • Hi Nicola, 

    My name is Ann-Marie. 
    I have sent you a private message xx

  • Hi Nicola 

    It sounds like Devon62 and myself are on the same treatment.

    I got the shock in March this year after noticing a slightly inverted nipple, no lumps or bumps... I ended up having 11 biopsies and 4 marker clips inserted over a couple of months before my treatment started.

    I did have a reaction to Paclitaxel, and it was changed to Abraxane... I have just finished my first half of chemo and have my halfway MRI next week, before starting EC chemo x 4 infusions at 3 weeks apart.

    I was diagnosed with TNBC in my left breast and then DCIS negative in my right breast (hence the delay in starting treatment).... I will be having a double mastectomy.

    I live on my own, I have a son and daughter local .. I live in Chesterfield and having my chemotherapy at Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield.

    I know this is a journey none of us want to be on, and we get good days and not so good ..

    Talking to others having faced or facing the same diagnosis is really good.

    Always here if needed.

    Mega hugs


  • Hi Alison,  

    Yes, same treatment! So far I've only got one breast affected so I'm down for a single mascetomy. I'm going to ask for an implant so my back remains operational. Do you have a post surgery strategy/plan yet? 

    You're a few months ahead of me and hopefully  will be right behind us soon. 

    Good luck with the EC! I've heard so many different stories about it. I hope it goes well for you. 

    How far is your drive to the hospital? Are you able to take yourself? 

    It's great to connect on here with women on the same path. 

    Clare xx

  • Hello Clare..

    Nice to meet you .. no I haven't thought about post op plans to be honest.

    I was asked about my thoughts to reconstruction, but was also told that I will have radiotherapy, so it would not happen straight away, anyway... but then again at my age of 64, I'm not bothered, a special padded bra will do me now.

    I did ask my oncologist about the side effects of EC, as I have been really lucky up to now with no sickness or nausea ... He did say that EC can cause mouth ulcers and quite bad nausea... I am actually a little nervous to starting it, but have no choice.

    It's about a 30 minute drive to Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield from home, I don't drive, my family help out.

    I suffer a lot of insomnia unfortunately.

    Do you take a 3 day course of Steroids after chemo? ... And 5 days of Filgrastin injections? 



  • Hi Alison  

    30 minutes is about my commute too. I have friends who have offered to drive me but I like being alone after treatment so I'm going to try to continue to drive. 

    No, I don't take either of those! Isn't that interesting....my neutrophils were 4.66 before treatment started and they are now 3.06. Perhaps I'll get offered Filgastrin if they drop much lower? I'd rather do that than pause the treatment. I'm sent home with Ordansetron and Metoclopramide. I don't take the ordasetron because it upsets my bowel but I have the occasional Meto just to deal with stomach cramps. 

    I would struggle with more steroids - I find it difficult to sleep after the pretreatment ones they give! I've got some Zopiclone now for my treatment nights so I got to sleep around 11 last night which was blissful- usually on treatment days I don't drop off until 2 or 3 am. 

    Yes, I've heard so many tales about EC. My oncologist told me I would be fine on it if I can deal with paclitaxel and carbo and pembro but I wonder if he was just being reassuring!? 

    I have my first scan in 2 weeks. I've asked my breast buddy to come with me. I'll be shaking if it goes well and definitely overwhelmed with fear if it doesn't. So many ups and downs, eh?

    Big hug 

    Clare xx

  • Thank you for sharing Alison, thank god you didn’t ignore it, sounds like your treatment is going well for you !! 
    sending lots of love and positive vibes xxx

  • Hi I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer 3 weeks ago and I’m starting my weekly chemo this Friday , like you my world has turned upside down , it took 10 weeks from finding my lump to getting treatment-  I’m anxious about what’s ahead ! My lump is 2cm and a grade 3 . I had a clear routine mammogram In January so it’s all happened very quickly .

    I’m trying to remain positive- and just want to start my chemo now to kill it !!!  I’ve had lots of appointments to get through prior to stating - I was  due to having a chemo port fitted tomorrow Disappointedt it’s been cancelled Disappointed having it next week now x