Triple negative breast cancer

  • 33 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi all , 

I am fresh from a diagnosis yesterday with triple negative breast cancer . Still shocked to be honest . Treatment plan is surgery , chemo then radiation . 
have an appointment with the surgeon again on Tuesday to decide whether a lumpectomy or mastectomy. 
is there anyone of you going through this currently or have been through it ?


  • I can see why you made that choice , although not gene tested myself ( I am too old and not enough family history) the whole thought of yearly mammograms now and that fear anyway ,led me to discussing the same with my surgeon . We opted for a single mastectomy now to aid the healing process , no reconstruction at present . We will see for the future . Hope all is progressing well with your treatment . X

  • Hi I have just finished the same course of treatment for triple negative breast cancer which was diagnosed on 22 December 2021. I had a lumpectomy for a 2 cm tumour, mastectomy was never discussed. I’d have asked what the advantage of having the mastectomy was, as it’s a much bigger operation…..Good luck with your treatment, whatever you decide and I hope everything goes well. Take care xxx

  • Hi we did discuss a lumpectomy but because I have a history of breast pain they said that it could get worse due to having to do some reconstruction . It might sound odd but after putting up with the pain for over ten years I decided to take the bonus ( if you can call it that) and get rid of the cancer and the long term pain in one go . 
    hope you are through the other side now and all is well x

  • Morning ,

    I had my surgery yesterday and all went well , lymph nodes negative ., which was a massive relief . 
    how are you doing ? I hope you managed to start your chemo the following week and that all is going well for you ?


  • Hi

    That's great news!

    Yes, I started chemo last Wednesday and seem to have escaped the major side effects so far. The first few days I felt lethargic rather than ill and the last couple of days I have felt back to normal. I'm hoping things won't be any worse after my next cycle in 2 weeks time.

    Do you know what your planned follow-up treatment is yet?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Good to hear it is going well for you . I know I will have to have chemo but not any detail yet . I am guessing that appointment comes after all the results are in .I am trying hard just to do one step at a time , although it is debatable whether my brain is on the same programme !!

  • Sorry, because you'd said that your lymph nodes were negative I misread your post and thought you'd had your results. Should have said glad to hear the surgery went well. Hopefully you're not too sore today. I had my results from surgery and lymph node biopsy 3 weeks later and that was when I was told I'd need chemotherapy.

    Take care x

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Sorry , I am not really being clear . They did check them during the operation ,I had a SNLB and they were negative . They will re test the lumps that were in my breast and I get those results in two weeks and then they make the decisions . They told me at the beginning that because it was triple negative I had to have chemo , I just don’t know yet the extent of it or what the programme will be . 
    I am surprised how well I feel today just a bit sore nothing worse . 
    you take care too x

  • Hi Moira 

    1. I hope you're doing ok. I was diagnosed last year, and I understand the shock... I hope you've had some good support, and that your treatment is going well. I was diagnosed not by a lump, but by pain in the breast, but I've had surgery, chemo, and radiotherapy and I'm doing ok. 
  • I think I had my first onco appointment about 3 weeks after my pathology report meeting. With an 18mm TNBC tumour and no lymph node involvement I was advised to have chemo because there was some vascular invasion from the tumour I have had 4 cycles of EC and will have 12 weeks of Paclitaxel once this last EC has cooked. Plus 3 years of 6 monthly Zometa infusions (bisphosphonate)