Triple negative breast cancer

  • 33 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi all , 

I am fresh from a diagnosis yesterday with triple negative breast cancer . Still shocked to be honest . Treatment plan is surgery , chemo then radiation . 
have an appointment with the surgeon again on Tuesday to decide whether a lumpectomy or mastectomy. 
is there anyone of you going through this currently or have been through it ?


  • Hi Moira

    I was diagnosed with TNBC after a routine mammogram picked up an area of possible DCIS and the resulting follow up enhanced mammogram also spotted a lump that couldn't be felt.

    I had a lumpectomy 3 weeks after my diagnosis and will be starting chemotherapy in a weeks time (2 months after surgery) followed up by radiotherapy.

    I was told that I didn't need a mastectomy as the area of DCIS and the lump were close enough together that I could have a lumpectomy. To be honest I didn't think to ask if a mastectomy would be better but trusted their expertise.


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  • Hi ,

    thanks for your reply . Mine too was found on a routine  screening , two areas in one breast that are not adjacent which I believe is why mastectomy is an option .

    I hope your recovery is going well . Good luck with the chemo 

  • Yes, everything's nicely healed from the operation. I think having the time between surgery and the start of chemotherapy has been good as it's meant my body has had time to heal before it's put through the trauma of chemotherapy.

    Let me know how your meeting with the consultant goes on Tuesday.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I will . I hope everything continues well for you


  • In the same place following a routine mammogram in January. I had surgery in March (WLE plus SLNB) and am currently having chemo. I have been writing a blog (a trip with triple negative breast cancer) if my story is of help to you. All the best for your treatment. 

  • Thank you . I will have a read . All the best for the rest of your journey . 

  • Hi I am BRACA 2 and triple negative.  I have opted for double mastectomy with breast reconstruction using implants.  I am 6 weeks post surgery and very pleased with the result. My cancer was stage 1 and had not reached the sentinel nodes.  I start chemo on Tuesday.  I could have had a lumpectomy but didn't want to continue with annual mammograms. I had had them for 5 years and hence the early diagnosis.

    Everyone's journey is different and so keep asking the questions.

  • Hi Ricki 

    thanks for your reply . I have decided to go down the mastectomy route taking into consideration that the breast I have cancer in has also been very painful for several years . Thanks for sharing and I hope the chemo goes well for you . 

  • Hi ,

    this weeks meeting went better than last weeks , no surprises that I hadn’t been aware of before, this time !

    decision made , mastectomy and no reconstruction. All booked in for the 12th July . 

    Hope you are continuing to do well


  • Glad to hear everything went well and you have a date for your op. I start my chemo on Monday so feeling a bit nervous now

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