Triple negative cancer

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I've just read my letter and seen this. I then did the worse thing and googled it. I found it says life expectancy is five years or less. Does this mean I only have five years to live as none of the doctors have explained this to me. I'm now so worried.

  • Hi Bigmama,

    Sorry to hear about your recent news. I was diagnosed with tnbc in July 2021, and remember reading many reports and articles online that scared the life out of me (even though everyone told me not to!) exactly as you describe. However, after almost a year since my diagnosis and lots of treatment later, I realise how out of date and irrelevant a lot of the information online is (exactly why people say don't Google it). You will embark on a new journey that is certain, and you probably have a whirlwind of tests and appointments coming up to find out more about your diagnosis and treatment plan. My advice would be to take things one day at a time, trust in your team and those closest to you and ask questions/take advice from your doctors as they are the ones who know your individual situation best.

    It's a big complicated world full with overloading information, but if it helps now that my treatment has finished, I feel good and very positive about a cancer-free future!! 

    Sending you a great big hug and all the luck for getting through this chapter of life x

  • Hi Rose 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me.

    It has been a great help and what I needed to hear. 

    I wasn't sure if to join but can already see it was a good idea I did. 

    I think no more googling and one day at a time is the advice to follow. I had a bit of a panic and breakdown after reading Google.

    Thank you so much again. So pleased to hear you are feeling good after finishing treatment and cancer free x

  • I'm glad I could help! I think probably everyone on this forum knows all too well the feelings you describe, so rest assured that you are not alone! I remember that so many articles and studies started with the same paragraph which gave a very negative outlook for tnbc patients, and it automatically makes you think the worst.

    In the beginning I thought that I would never be able to enjoy life again and things would never be the same. I think my life will never be the same as before, but it's not necessarily all such bad thing, however I am definitely enjoying life again and cancer doesn't dominate my thoughts like it did at first.

     Take care and good luck x

  • Hi Big mama. I was diagnosed in September 2020,  had a lumpectomy later that month, with sentinel node removal as well. The node was negative, and margins from the lumpectomy were clear, and I felt so relieved and grateful that the worst was over. I expected some radiation and medication. And then the results of the examination of the lumpectomy tissue came back in October..... TN. My doctor said the word ' chemotherapy'. Without doubt the single worst moment of my life.... Until I got home, and like you, googled TN. From hard earned experience, I can tell you that goggling is the worst possible thing you can do. There are so many factors involved..... The stage of your cancer, how well you respond to chemo, how well you can keep yourself, physically and emotionally, during the process. Sit down with a levelheaded friend or family member and write as many questions as you can for your next visit with your doctors and/ or breast care nurse, and get all the information you need from those people, not online. It's hard enough going through all this, without the dreaded Internet telling us we're done for,  which just isn't true. I have a friend who is now 4 years clear of TN,  and doing great.... These are the stories you need to keep in your mind. I wish you all the best xxx

  • I have TNBC. I don’t know how advanced your cancer is but please talk to your doctors to get a better view. If you Google, stick to recognised cancer charities - MacMillan, Breast Cancer Now, Cancer Research UK etc, or to proper academic research papers. 

  • Hi

    i was diagnosed with tnbc breast cancer in mid July this year, I guessed I was very shocked and just let the team to look after me. After a few tests and hospital appointments, I will be starting my chemotherapy next week, I do wonder why it’s taking this long for the treatment. My anxiety has grown day after day, it’s a worrying time personally and for for my family. 

  • Sorry for such a late reply.

    Reading your email has helped me so thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I hope you are well xx

  • Chewy

    I felt the same but once my treatment started it was all go. 

    All the best my lovely x

  • Good to hear back from you, hope you are doing well. When did you start your treatment and what is your regime?

  • Chewy

    I was told 6th April and treatment started 11th may 

    I was meant to have chemo every week for 12wks and then FEC chemo for 9wks total of three doses given every three weeks. My body couldn't take chemo every week so I only ended up having 4 lots of the first drug and then went one to only have 1 of the next few drug. My liver count was too high so chemo kept getting cancelled. Then my platelets kept dropping too low.

    Last week it was decided I wouldn't have anymore chemo and go for my op. My operation was meant to be both breasts removed and reconstruction at the same time. Due to issues with my blood they won't do the reconstruction so I am now booked in in two weeks time to just go flat. I will then need radiation and be on chemo tablets after. 

    Hope this is of some help.

    Remember everyone reacts to chemo differently. I'm told o had it rough but I know there will be people that have had it worse and I know there are many people that don't struggle as much. I sat next to an elderly man who did his chemo in half the time as he had no reaction to it they could give it quicker. Felt a little unfair but I was pleased for him.