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Hi my names Sara, diagnosed 25th Aug 20 stage 3 and three lymph nodes , I start chemo 13th oct. Any tips on copeing with chemo xxx

  • HI Sara, I'm Sarah, 47 and  I finished chemo in July this year.  I was dreading it at the start but to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I'd feared!  My top tips would be to keep well hydrated - drink loads of water before, during and after each chemo session to lessen side effects.  Emend is a very good anti-sickness drug which can be prescribed if you suffer badly with nausea. I also found eating pineapple chunks and drinking ginger ale very helpful with changes in taste and a yucky mouth during the first few days after treatment.  Make sure you rest up when you can and don't expect to be able to do very much for the first 7 days of each cycle.  If you are having weekly paclitaxo you may find it easier than FEC chemo but everyone is different.  If you develop pins and needles in you hands/feet make sure you tell your oncologist - massaging and heat pads can also help with any pain.  The beginning of this unwanted journey is by far the worst - once you have started treatment you will feel more positive and supported - the chemo nurses are lovely :) Have you joined the TNBC UK support group on Facebook?  They are a really supportive group of ladies at all stages of treatment who are really happy to help with queries and offer support to those newly diagnosed.  I really hope your treatment goes well Sara! Happy to chat and help in any way should you need it! x