Did anyone have an enlarged paraesophageal lympnode when they were diagnosed with thyroid cancer

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  • 28 subscribers


Did anyone have an enlarged paraesophageal lympnode when they were diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. I'm 4 years out from stage 1 breast cancer and two years ago I was told I has a thyroid nodule that was nothing to worry about. But they now think I may have thyroid cancer and the next step is biopsy.  

  • Please don't think we are ignoring you but this is a very specific question, and it may well be that the answer is that nobody did. 

    Best wishes


    “Scars are tattoos with better stories.” – Anonymous

  • Hi

    Yes sorry just what I've been told been coping with this stress since end of Jan.Gp said yesterday that all he can find out is there is 2 thyroid cysts and an enlarged lympnode near the thyroid called a paraesophageal lympnode. Have ent appointment Thursday to discuss these results from ct.i had no symptoms it was found on mri for chronic pain after breast cancer treatment 4 years ago.I was just wondering if anyone else found out that way