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  • 28 subscribers

Hi, just wanted to say hello. I’ve had papillary thyroid cancer twice, first 2013 then diagnosed again 2023, been in remission 4 months now. Happy to support anyone who needs it, reach out, ask any questions x

  • Hi Kerrypop, sorry to hear you've had reocurrance. I think that's what we all dread. Very kind of you to offer your help and advice to others, thank you, I'm sure members newly diagnosed with Papillary TC will appreciate it. If you get time, perhaps it would be worth popping a bit of your experience in your profile so others could refer to it? Wishing you the best with your treatment x

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • Hello Kerrypop,  

    I have just had an ultrasound done a year after my thyroidectomy operation and RAI treatment for Solid variant PTC.  The Dr doing the scan saw 2 lymph nodes, one on each side of my neck, she said they could just be reactive but I might be called in earlier for an appointment rather than June when I'm due to see the oncology department again..  Will I be contacted by oncology only if they are worried or will I get a letter saying they are reactive and nothing to worry about?   I hate the waiting and not knowing.. xx