New here... Hi

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Hi im 22 and just diagnosed not too long ago its been so quick and overwhelming.

i found a lump on my neck in august whilst on holiday went to my GP they said wait 4 weeks incase it was an infection. I went on a google dive and continued as normal. Phone call at 4 weeks then an ENT apt was made in october during my annual leave. 

During this apt i had bloods taken a largynoscopy and an ultrasound where they took a biopsy of my lymph nodes and thyroid. When going back after the tests they said they were 99.9% sure it was papillary thyroid cancer and that it had spread to my right lymph nodes. MRI and CT scan done. I told work when i went back in and they said to start my sick leave straight away as I was emotional and still processing it all. Following week on my follow up it was confirmed and surgery for a full thyroidectomy and right neck dissection was scheduled for 6th November.

Surgery went well just stiffness in neck and arm but doing physio. 

My questions mostly are: 

Whats the right amount of time to take off work?At the moment my employer is understanding and happy for me to take all the time I need but I'm not sure. Still waiting on RAI treatment and follow ups post op. Plus with working as a nurse my unit is very demanding manual handling and knowledge wise. Im scared of going back to soon and I'm not ready but also dont want to be off for too long. Any advice?

Ive read about RAI has anyone had any side effects or felt really bad during it I've read some of the forums on here and its made me less scared.

And finally levothyroxine how do you know if its the right amount i've only been on it for 2 weeks now at what point do you know if its too much or too little? 

  • Hi Jlo17 welcome to the  forum. It sounds like you have been having  a very challenging and scarey time. I dont know a lot about your type of Cancer but in respect of work as a Nurse, I am assuming this is in the NHS? If it is, they have  a scheme for staff of 6 months full pay and six months half pay. So in answer to "how much time", its as much as you feel that you need.  In answer to Levothyroxine this is usually monitored by blood tests and based on patient feedback re any side effects. Im sure some of the lovely folks on here will be along soon to offer up some further information.     


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  • Hi, 

    im 24 so similar age, let’s have a chat on private message as it would be good to talk to someone similar age!