New to the forum, preparing for diagnosis and symptoms?

  • 1 reply
  • 27 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I’m new to the site and forum and thought I’d sign up as I was told just before the holidays that I am being referred urgently for my thyroid changes.

Basically I have been struggling with having seizures-fits for a while (controlled at present) and discovered by accident that calcium supplements prevented them which eventually led me to having thyroid ultrasound scans over a period of time. Since January my neck has become increasingly hard and tender all the way to my ears. Additionally, apparently, my thyroid is shrinking quite quickly so I’m now beginning to experience various symptoms.

I’m wondering how to prepare for the stress of urgent referrals, the upcoming FNA, and the diagnosis journey afterwards? Particularly with the changes in my neck and jaw that makes me nervous about possible complications?

  • Hi Wildflower Dew and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you find yourself here with those symptoms, you're bound to be nervous about what's to come. I've not personally experienced any of those symptoms sorry but hopefully if anyone has they'll be along to advise soon. You're right the urgent referrals are stressful but it all goes so fast! Take someone with you if you can because it's hard to take anything in. And write things down in the appointments. Write any questions down you have too and don't be afraid to ask them. Especially note the email/number of your Clinical Nurse Specialist, they are a lifeline between you and the consultant for any questions you have. I could never think of what to ask until after I got home! It's all such a shock to the system. I did have an FNA which was inconclusive, as many are. The FNA procedure was fine don't worry. I went on to have a biopsy which you may have, it was uncomfortable but ok. The wait for results is the worst bit. I'd say keep yourself distracted and busy but that's not easy I know. Try to take one step at a time until you have all the information from the consultant in front of you.We're here to help you through it, do let us know how you're getting on. X