How to cope watching this disease take my husband?

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

So my Husband 47 was diagnosed with anaplastic carcinoma in September this year, its in his thyroid lunch node and spread to the right lung and in his bones, this disease is increasingly fast and I just can't believe how quickly this is happening. We got married and had a quiet honeymoon and now is christmas and today he feels like he has no energy and doctor said his lung not sounding good and low oxygen sat at a and e, feel like the staff don't care about him and is just left around potentially dangerous germs, I hate this I really do its so unfair 

  • Sending you a hug @Mooplot, nothing that I can say, it is indeed a terrible disease and horrible for partners as well as the patient x

  • I’m so sorry you are both going through this. Is your husband in hospital? Have you tried contacting the hospital PALS service? I’ve had to contact them in two hospitals and they have been brilliant. Hopefully they will be able to help. Take care xx