Thyroxine and headaches/ eye pain

  • 2 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi, I had my thyroid removed 10 days ago and started on thyroxine straight away, after about a week I started getting really bad headaches and one eye became very sore and swelled up, I have had a headache nearly every day since, is this random or linked to the surgery or thyroxine?

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?


  • Hi.

    I think it's more surgery and anaesthesia that causes that as after my surgery I had pain in both eyes for at least 2 weeks. It passed after that time if that helps Blush

  • Hi, That does help, just done the googling that I probably should not have and come across thyroid eye disease caused by high does of thyroxine.

    My eyes ache like I have a sty, maybe it is just that

    Thanks for replying 
