Hello everyone one
I have had a hemi thyroidectomy in June and a total thyroidectomy in August. I am now on a low iodine diet for my Radio iodine treatment in 11 days time.
I am a vegetarian and I would like to ask whether I can some or all the following foods: Chia and Flaxseeds, pea protein (I have found a protein powder which is 100%pea), dried raisins and cranberries, shop bought plain coconut ‘yougurt’ (The Coconut Collab brand)
Thankyou in advance if you are able to help me with this.
I think I am concentrating more on the food aspect rather than think about what my impending scan will reveal - whether there is any spread elsewhere. I understand that Hurthle cell does not uptake the iodine so I am a bit confused how they will know regarding spread. Any thoughts on that also welcome.
in addition, I am looking after my mother at my home - she is a palliative patient with secondary breast cancer.
So, a lot going on at the moment!
looking forward to your thought, Thankyou
The guidelinesI for RAI are constantly evolving so I couldn't advise you on those specific items. Just check the pack details. From vague recollections, I might skip the cranberries just in case they've had red dye added.
Many of us get sucked into obsessing about the diet because it tends to be one of the few things that feels like we can control. In reality, it's probably going to make very little difference (and some hospitals dropped it completely) but it feels good to think we're in charge. My main advice is to go nowhere near the US-based 'Thyca' cookbooks as US farming is very different from ours and things get fortified over there that aren't risky over here.
I'm a 12 years post-surgery veteran of Hurthle Cell Carcinoma. Try not to get hung up on the label. I've read that when you adjust for the profile of people who get that variant being a bit older than many other types, there's very little difference from standard follicular TC.
Best wishes
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