Hello fellow fighters!

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  • 26 subscribers

Hello there! I am new here. I am 26 and I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer almost a month ago. I had my thyroid removed 2 weeks ago and I am now slowly trying to recover. After the initial diagnosis and before the surgery I was very strong, was doing very good emotionally. But now that everything is slowly going back to 'normal' I feel very sad, like I am just now realizing that I had cancer. I didn't need radioactive iodine so I recently started to take the pills, but I feel extremely tired, nauseous and moody. Are these symptoms normal? 

  • Hi there

    My goodness, , things have happened pretty quickly for you

    It’s a huge amount to get your head around. You have just had major surgery and your body has a lot of healing to do.

    Not sure what medication you are on, but I found that the effervescent calcium really upset my stomach.I was initially on 2 x 1000 twice a day and it was cut to 2 tab 2 x daily, and my stomach has settled down.I was also feeling very low, but I think that was because no one had told me to take levothyroxin on an empty stomach, and to wait at least half an hour before eating/ taking other meds, so I think it wasn’t being absorbed properly. I found out by reading up on it myself. Was easily and quickly remedied, but am disappointed that I wasn’t instructed properly, prescription only said to take at 7am

    Had my op on March 21st, so still feeling tired 

    I found my MacMillan nurse really easy to talk to about how I was feeling

    Hope you start feeling better soon x

  • Hi sweetcherry19!

    Glad you have had your op and are starting to heal and recover.It is very early days and you’ve been through a lot and need to process it all. I had my TT nearly six weeks ago and although I am recovering well physically- emotionally it has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Like you- I realised just what I’d been through and needed to try and deal with all that had happened. I will have RAI in May. It also takes time to get your head around taking the meds every day. Go easy on yourself especially on those days when you feel vulnerable. Take care x

  • Hi 

    im new to this group too, it’s actually my 10 year old daughter who has TC (still feels so strange saying that) she had full thyroid removal a few days ago, just 2 weeks after the diagnosis being confirmed and I too felt like before hand I was doing so well being brave and strong for my daughter and now after expecting to feel better I just feel sad and mad I hope this feeling will soon change and for you aswell. And I hope you don’t mind me commenting on your post because I feel somewhat a fraud in a way because it’s not me it’s happening to, I just really felt like I needed to speak to other people who are going though this journey aswell. Well wishes x 

  • Just realising I have replied to the last persons comment on your post! And not actually your post!!!  I’m not functioning very well at the moment 

  • Hi  how are you doing? I was 25 when I was diagnosed (now 30) and I was exactly the same as you! I think adjusting to the pills was a nightmare for me and emotionally all over the place for a while. Also I was diagnosed, operated on and radioiodined within such a short space of time, after all that was over was when it hit me. Anyway I hope you are doing better now and adjusted to life on levo.

    Lydia x

  • Hi Lydia, it was actually my 11year old daughter who had PTC. After this post her thyroxine dose was changed and the difference in her mood and everything was just amazing - we got our little girl back, happy loving and cheeky with it. We are less than a month following being told the RAI had worked and everything was gone so still in a bit of a strange place of wondering can this be over is it really true. But we are slowly getting back to some kind of normal life. I hope you are doing well. X